Maui Wowie & GG4 Grow

1st Time Grow - currently running 3 Maui Wowies and 3 GG4s (photoperiods) in a 4x4 vivosun tent for veg (2 of them will be moved into another tent when ready to flip). They are on day 46 after putting seeds into soil (50/50 FFOC & FFHF).

I have had an extreme learning curve since planting these girls, but I absolutely love learning how to dial it all in. There were some pH issues and minor nutrient lockout a couple weeks ago, but they are recovering well.
Since this is my first grow I have been learning how to LST, top, FIM and proper defoliation. I did go a little overboard with the defoliation in the beginning, but have learned to back off and just let them bush out a bit.

Today I measured the max light distance and deciphered how tall the plants can get before flipping to flower, then set up 2 ScROG screens. They have 4-5 inches in height to get to the first ScROG.

I will be using this thread as my journal and would love all comments/suggestions along the way. :grin:

GG4 #2 - She’s one of my favorites!

GG4 - #1 - She had the worst case of the nutrient lockout, but in recovery and looking so much better.

Maui Wowie #2 - She is one of two very quick growers!

GG4 - #3 - This one was the runt of the group, has been about 3 days behind all the others.

Maui Wowie #3 - She topped herself at the second node in the first couple weeks. I love this one especially because of how she grew due to the self topping, made the LST incredibly easy

Maui Wowie #1 - She declared herself the alpha lady from the start!


@TCBart they look great! I would like to follow along if you don’t mind


Absolutely! I would love for fellow growmies to follow and chime in. I’m still very new to this and learning as I grow. :slight_smile:


I would recommend cutting the tie downs loose for a SCROG. Let them grow through the net holes and then weave them into empty squares. Once your net is full, flip the light. Those will also turn out great with the method you’re using to train them without a net :love_you_gesture: @JJ520 does great SCROG work


Thanks!! :blush: I have the first screen set about 8-9 inches above the top of the pots. My thinking, and please correct me if my method is wrong, is to keep the tie downs until the middle of the plants can reach the netting, then untie everything and just do the scrog. I don’t think my longest branches are tall enough yet to start working through the netting and I’m still trying to maximize light penetration to the middle. Or am I overthinking it? I have been known to overthink many things before :joy:


That’ll work Grow Bro, great thing with photo periods is your veg period last as long as you want or have the net near full :love_you_gesture:


I just started 2 Mowie Wowies 2 weeks ago. They do grow very fast! They are up to 5 nodes already compared to the NY Diesels planted at the same time and they are just pushing they’re 3rd node… i see how they got they’re name, wowie they grow fast…lol


Haha, yes they do! And they are stretchy compared to the squatty and bushy GG4s. Have fun and good luck with your grow! Love hearing about other grows.


Ah, I have another question. They are currently in 5 gallon fab pots, transplanted into those about 3-3.5 weeks ago. Considering I’m going to rehome 2 of these into a smaller tent before flipping and only having 4 plants in the 4x4…will they be ok in the 5 gallons or will they get root bound because of how long they can veg with all the training?


No worries on root bound with an indoor grow and ht restrictions. 5 gallon bag is plenty for a tent grow :love_you_gesture:


Good to know, thank you. Ive got them Supercropped and FIMed already…lol


Nice! Yeah, I’ve been doing all the extensive LST this first grow because I was super excited about the whole thing and wanted to learn and do my best with the yield from the start … however, I think next grow I’m going to skip the initial LST, top them a couple times and set up my first ScROG net about 9 inches from the top of the pots and train them that way. We’ll see. Still getting the feel for it all. Are you growing indoors or out?


Water them today and rearranged the tent a bit. I noticed a significant amount of salt in the runoff from a couple of them. So grateful for this community because I would have never known about that and how watering to run off takes care of those sorts of things.
I did have a branch on one of the plants snap :frowning: but she received a tape cast and the branch was tethered to the net above her to help hold it in place. That happened a couple days ago, the branch was saved and healing nicely! Funny how no matter how careful you are those things can happen to anyone. Always, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, and thanks for checking in if you did!! :slight_smile:


I’m indoors a 4×4 tent with HLG Respecs 700 & 320 FR. Both have far red in them.
I think training is the best practice when it comes to growing cannabis indoors especially. I am built for it because i am hard on plants…lol… its just natural for me to beat a plant up to near death…growth hormones are the secret. They stick around after everything is healed
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Mowie Wowie


Those look great!

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She looks great! Whew, I’m glad to hear I’m not the only heavy handed one. lol. I’ve seen many growers that really let their plants bush out a lot, and then there’s me that won’t let any potential bud site be covered for even just a day. But, it’s in my nature so I’m sure even if I tell myself I won’t touch them for a week other than to tuck and water I just won’t be able to help myself. Before I started this grow the only living things that survived in my household were my husband and the dog. My husband even made me hang a dead house plant outside on the porch as a reminder that I just don’t have a green thumb … but, I do not accept defeat as an option! :rofl:


Yup, i agree… sometimes you just have to do everything wrong before you can figure out how to do it the right way. Just like Golfing, you can’t expect to nail the hole in a couple of strokes, like the pros. It takes trial and error. Nothing to be ashamed about. :wink:


Two of the girls have been relocated into their new home - it is a Vivosun 32"x32"x63" with (2) full spectrum Aerolight 100W and AeroZesh S4 4-inch 208 CFM Inline Duct Fan with 4" carbon filter.

The main tent they have all been vegging in, which still houses the 4 biggest growers, is a Vivosun 48"x48"x80" with (2) full spectrum AeroLight SE 200W and 6" AeroZesh S6 Inline Duct Fan with 6" carbon filter.

The girls are looking happy and healthy. They all received the tiniest bit of defoliation this morning. They have been feeding off of their FFOF/FFHF soil for about 3 weeks now since they have been transplanted into their 5 gallon pots. I am keeping an eye on their health for signs of needing more food soon since the understanding is that Fox Farm feeds for 4-6 weeks. Other than that it’s just a matter of waiting for them to grow into the trellis nets and enjoying the serenity when I’m with them. :grin:

Happy farming everyone!


The lovelies had a great day yesterday. The morning started out the tiniest bit stressful because I removed all the LST restraints and tucked and stretched them through the ScROG. But, the increased canopy exposure to the light did them a great deal of good! This morning they were perky and grew quite a bit.

I’m still experiencing some unfortunate signs of nutrient lockout in most of the plants - looks like it could be magnesium or potassium deficiency. I’m in 50/50 Ocean Forest and Happy Frog. I have been pHing the dechlorinated water to about 6.8, my run off is still around 5. I have seen many different ways of dealing with Fox Farm soil - I’ve seen some say to pH 6.8-7.2 to rebalance it and then pH 6.5-6.8 for the remaining waterings. Others say to not pH for Fox Farm at all because of the buffers in the soil that will self regulate. Also … I did see the thread where someone had reached out to Fox Farms about pH issues and their response was that due to the buffers such as oyster shells and such measuring the pH in the soil with a probe or by measuring runoff is actually not a sufficient way of measuring the soil pH.

As much as I want to love Fox Farms, I’m seriously considering the coco/worm casting and amendments route next grow. Thoughts?


I’m running a little experiment today. Some of the babies are starting to look a little pale green. I’m also still trapped in rust spotted leaf purgatory. The past 3 waterings I have done I have pH’d the water to 6.8-7 since the run off before that was around 4.6-4.8. But, even after trying to pH a little high going in, I am still seeing all the same signs of low pH nutrient lockout, even after using CalMag.
Anywho, I did dig around and found some info that with the buffers in Fox Farms soils it may be beneficial to leave the water going in more on the alkaline side.

So, the experiment! I did a slurry test this morning and my ppm was around 150. With just one of the plants today I am doing a top feed and watering with dechlorinated water that has not been adjusted. The top feed included:

  • about 2.5 cups Earthworm Castings (just enough to cover the top of the soil)
  • ~2 Tbsp / gal Rejuvenate organic All Purpose 4-4-4
  • ~3 Tbsp total Kelp Meal
  • ~1 Tbsp / gal Alfalfa Meal
  • ~1/8 cup Bat Guano

I scratched that into the top of the soil used 0.8-0.9 gallons of water that I applied with a wand very slowly (2 cups at a time with breaks in between to let the water hydrate the soil slowly).

I will monitor her today and if she seems to take well to all the things above then the rest of the girls will get their feeding tomorrow.

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