Several questions for anyone who has the time to spread some knowledge


I would keep running wet dry cycles but just soak pot when needed. There is likely still some nutrients in soil and no sense in rinsing them away since you aren’t feeding. Just in case plant wants to go a little longer. This is same reason I would continue to set ph.


Simple enough.

Honestly it would be pretty cool if she wasn’t ready till the 21st lol. It may not happen but thats when i work off for Christmas vacation. Sure would make it easier not having to go to work after staying up trimming all night haha.

When the time comes it will likely take 2-3 nights for us to trim the whole plant. Id like to get it done while its wet though. In my experience its easier and i do a better job wet trimming.

I asked earlier but i asked 37 other things too :rofl:. Will she keep putting on weight over the next couple weeks or is this just a tricomb ripening period?


You may see buds swell a little but she looks about done to me. I prefer to wet trim too. But it’s like a quick snip of leaves so I don’t spend a lot of time at once doing it. Then I’ll give a little manicure when putting buds into jars to cure.


Since its not gunna end up in a store i dont guess i should try so hard to manicure it lol. If i knew it wouldn’t taste like hay id steal a little nug off somewhere and test it haha.


You can nuke them a little to dry out but i suspect it would be racy and taste green. Wouldn’t bother.


Im not a big “racy” guy lol. Im more of a crayon in the microwave type :sweat_smile:.


Hey @TheAbu95

If you are ever in a pinch and just want to smoke smoke something you can try a microwave steam dry.

Put dry paper towel in microwave safe dish, put sample on the dry paper towel. Cover the top with a wet paper towel and put it in the microwave. 30 seconds at 20-30% power. Open and rotate bud, return to microwave, same power range for 10 seconds. See if the bud is dry and repeat in 10 second intervals. Keep paper towel slightly damp not dripping through out process.

If you want some terps you could try collecting a sample and freezing. Fresh frozen is great for concentrates like Qwet or bubble hash.

You could also decarb some for an edible.


It sounds like you’ve been in a tight spot before too :rofl:. Thank you!! Im gunna save that procedure for a rainy day haha.

You do raise an interesting point, seams like i talked to bunger one time and he explained his process. Is it necessary to dry the trim before we make it into cookies? Not all of it of course lol, but can you decarb trim that hasn’t been dried yet?

Another hurdle im gunna have to climb sooner than later is learning how to make qwet. Caligirl posted a link for me to use where she talks about how to make it and how to decipher how many mg an edible is haha.

I gotta get my wife a cookie monster sticker :rofl:.


I was given a whole plant years ago, poor health about done, maybe 6 g on the plant lol. Microwaved most of it. At the time I had nothing else I could to do with it. I wouldn’t recommend doing this unless you are decelerate. However I’d do this over resorting to a dispo.

You don’t have to trim for decarb.

The concentrate options are kinda a waste just for a sample, but it’s worth setting some aside in the freezer if you are considering it. Fresh frozen is best for that stuff. Usually a bulk amount is needed.
crackers used to be my quick go to for edibles. Peanut butter and crackers.


I mean we use our trim for edibles i was just wondering if it was necessary to let it dry for 1-2 weeks or if technically i could trim and stick my trim tray directly in the oven to decarb lol.

So far all we’ve done is infuse coconut oil /unsalted butter. Made brownies and cookies lol. My sister is a trooper. She takes a tsp of oil like cough medicine and chases it with coffee :rofl:.


Madam is the same way. Taking 120mg edibles and it doesn’t even show. Lol I can’t do that stuff


Snoop said one time he dont mess with edibles cause they aint got no off button. Thats the best explanation ive heard :rofl:. Worse high ive ever had… i (OB’d) over brownied lol.


Worst experience for me too. Felt like I was flashing between dimensions in an endless fall. Haha


I puked on a loop in my head for over an hour :sweat_smile:. I think it only happened once but i had to keep re-liveing it over and over.


Oyyy, edibles can be a wickedly bad experience. I did mine when I had a huge tolerance, finally pushed the envelope too far at the time and realized the real power of the plant. Not gonna lie, it scared me.


Personal side note time haha

I had slowly became an alcoholic and right on the verge of really messing myself/life up. $100s a week on booze.

Went to a buddies house one night to try some whiskey he’d made and got to talking with his pops who has been growing for many years. I accidentally ended up in a circle and hit a J a time or two. Strangest thing happend. I couldn’t stomach the taste of alcohol when i was high…

New years will mark 3 years since ive had a drop of alcoholic and ive been high as hell the whole time :rofl:. Not meant to be a sad story but that same power that will scare the crap out of you ever now and again just might save your life someday lol. I think thats alot of why i wanna be a successful grower so bad!! Got alot on the line :grinning:.


Thanks for sharing @TheAbu95 :pleading_face:
It has a very happy ending, so please don’t apologize. I just said goodbye to my 59 year old father last year because of drinking. It can be nasty stuff on your insides if abused. Part of why I’m such a proponent of this green stuff so much.

Good for you, man! That is a huge accomplishment and you should be extraordinarily proud of yourself! :love_you_gesture::two_hearts::two_hearts:


Hey hey, I’m on a similar path! Went cold turkey a few months ago after a couple decades of alcohol. 750 bottle a day or more sometimes.



Im sorry to hear about your dad man. My grandpa was pretty bad off on it also He passed away in 99’ he was also 59. But growing up watching him, my dad never touched the stuff. He says it skips a generation and since i didn’t grow up watching the side effects of it, i didn’t see any problem with it.

Dont know how much truth there is to that but its an interesting theory :thinking:.