Sephoria? Plz help never encountered something like this

I’ve never encountered anything so destructive so fast. Though maybe it was a deficiency of some kind but now I think it’s sephoria. the reason I think it’s sephoria is because regular plants around mine seem to have it too.ive already moved the ones that didn’t have it as bad out of the area . will that help until I can get some fungicide . Let me know What do you think it is? And best way to treat? Fungicide? And I already pulled most of the leaves that had it very bad. These are just the ones that had a little bit on it.

Maybe… I had green beans as an enclosure cover last year and the green beans got it but it didn’t seem to spread so I only had to treat the green beans with a copper-based fungicide.

I’m going to tag others that may have dealt with it… @JaneQP @Graysin

For some reason I thought Septoria had brown halos not yellow…

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Early Botrytis has yellow ones. :thinking:.
And curious on the whiteish spot on that leaf that’s out of focus.

Is that wpm. ?

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Thx for the tag @Caligurl Luckily I have not had to deal with it. Best to you.


I have not ever encountered such a thing. I’m sorry to not be helpful

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@Lacewing @Myfriendis410

Can you get an overall picture of the plant that’s affected?

Definitely need preventative measures when growing outdoors. I’ve never dealt with leaf septoria so don’t have much to offer.

I have only dealt with bud rot due to a single caterpillar feeding from the inside of a bud out lol …wpm always on my sunflowers but I’m talking after they have spent and it’s only the leaves so I don’t do anything about it …however that white spot out of focus doesn’t look like wpm
As for the other …I can’t really say what that is but is it all over the plant …some of that looks almost like leaf miner damage without the maze they leave behind …I have had leaves look way worse and just cut them off lol …sorry I’m not much help but I have to be honest it doesn’t seem alarming to me …I’ve only grown outdoors and always see strange stuff and as long as it doesn’t seem to be killing my plant I just don’t even worry about it

My bad I just read your first post …if others around the plant have it I suspect that’s where it came from …

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I have the same problem! Just on one plant which is outdoors. The plant looks healthy and green and it seems to be doing fine. I have been trimming the affected leaves and putting them into plastic bags so they don’t get composted.

I am not sure what is causing this issue.

I thought I had Sephoria once but it was a spider mite infestation.