I did one grow out of three tries, I just don’t have the time to keep as sterile as they need. I used liquid culture my buddy had started from spores in jars with water and Karo syrup. I do like them though!
Been thinking about doing some psilocybin. Our town has a retail store that sells it They carry:
Treasure Coast
Golden Teacher
Penis Envy
Thinking I might take a drive over there one of these days and pick some up. My wife is interested as well.
My wife has no problem eating shroom edibles and paying an axx load for them, knowing freaking good and well it’s a 100% chance they are some kind of fakes, but when I mention spending $150 bucks to get a whole kit to grow a pile that would last for months, nooooooo, it’s too much money or some hibbity bibbity.
Treasure coast and golden teacher are a good entry level in my opinion at the proper dose.
B+ is a moderate step above teacher & treasure coast.
penis envy I’ve always said if you have access to penis envy get them as they’ll never disappoint you. The visuals (wood grain moving, ect.) are fantastic the colors are outstanding.
It’s amazing that you have a store with these things available (you’re blessed) we too have shops we have to buy a poster and they gift you the mushrooms
Unfortunately it’s like anything nowadays. Even back in the '80s going to concerts there was lots of fakes. There’s nothing worse than going to see Black Sabbath waiting for the trip to kick in and it never does
The kits are okay and I guess for the new guy it’s definitely recommended. However, it’s very easy to achieve failure and at $150 that wouldn’t sit well with me either.
I advanced educated myself. I spent a good 18 months studying before I even bought anything. Like the old saying goes the more you put in the more you’ll get out.
My approach is a little different I use pressure cookers, and I sterilize popcorn seeds then inoculate them to grow the mycelium
Then I simply use coco in 12 Court Tupperware bins to grow them. This approach is definitely more involved but the yields are 10 times better than the kits and at a fraction of the cost
“Hibbity Bibbity”