Seeds won't germ

Plant #23 and #24 seeds won’t pop. GG4. Just got them. 5 days in the water. 2nd seed is on 2nd day in water. No sign of life. Not sure what to do. Not sure what’s wrong. This germ method ILGM suggests has always worked. I lost 3 before, but for reasons I could identify.


Ok that imo is too long wet a paper towel place on a plate and place seeds on top then repeat the paper towel on top place in a dark warm place should pop


Welcome to the community. :blush::v:


Agreed that this is too long.

Generally I’ll float seeds on the top of a cup of water for 24-48 hours max - usually 24 is plenty to see the seed crack and a taproot to poke out.

The soaking softens the shell. Too long of a soak is likely just drowning the plant. After soaking, place directly in the medium (I use rockwool, others use root cubes or straight into dirt/coco). If you have a seedling heat mat, set the container on top of that. If not, just try to store them somewhere dark and warm. Top shelf of my closet works great. On top of your light fixture in your tent also works well.

Cover them with a dome of some kind so moisture doesn’t escape, and just leave them alone for a few days. The seeds will come up - I just had one that took 8 days, which is a new record for me.


You shouldn’t need over a 24 hour soak. Soak to long and the seeds become mush. Then they are ruined.


Absolutely too long in the water. I soak for around 18 hrs then put them in the soil and cover with a small dome. I use the bottom of a water bottle. Keep it humid and cover it lightly with soil. That way you can adjust it if needed once the tap root appears.


I’ve gotten to where I wait a couple hours after I notice a crack to put them in a paper towel. Roughly a day. Then roughly a day or so in the paper towel depending on progression. So 2 days or so, then dirt.


Patience is a virtue. Wet paper towel in a dark closet 2 days and popping.

5 days in water, then 2 days in dark closet. Finally popped. The 2nd seed, 2 days in water, popped first. Still waiting for #3, one day in water. All went under the wet towel and put in the dark closet at the same time. This must be the trick.
Water bath only, 2 days, always popped before.
“The learning curve is a circle track that spirals up with knowledge.”

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Hi I got 20 green crack seeds and only 5 of them germinated. I put them in a cup of water in a dark place for almost a week now.

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I just had a major loss cycle with Girl Scout Cookies. I thought I was doing something wrong. 3 in a row, no pop. Last attempt was 2 seeds side by side. One popped the other didn’t. Makes me wonder if it was me. There has to be a better way.

Far too long to leave soaking in water. 1 day is fine. Then to a damp paper towel, folded, in a zip lock bag. Keep in dark, warm (80-85f) place until 1/4" taproot. Then plant in medium.