Seedlings in Happy Frog?

Hey all, I may have made a grave mistake. I plated my germinated seeds into Happy Frog Soil but looking online it seems I should have not done so be use of the nutrients.

Is this true?

Should I transplant into a special seedling mix?

I’m at Day 10 and I see just a tinge of grown on the tips. Am I killing it? (Hard to tell under the crappy light). Around 250-300 ppfd. Water only, no nutrients added. Shining Silver Haze in this case.


Seedlings may struggle in Ocean Forest, but Happy Frog is fine. I have started all of my seeds in Happy Frog and have never had a problem.


Looks healthy to me!


Those look awesome. Somebody brought up a good one thing about seedlings. They may not sprout like you think they would in 10 days upwards but they sprout downwards.
So transplant I would Yoda says. Here’s what mine looked like after 10 days should have done it a couple of days earlier but they’re fine.

I like all fox farm products I think they work well together. As I showed my buddy and he agrees even a caveman can do it


Your seedling will be fine in happy frog Should Have all it needs for at least four weeks.


Thank you all for the feedback!


Yes they will be fine…I started out using OF but it was too “hot” switched too H.F. and Ive been doing this for 4 years now… You’ll be good!


Nice white roots! Yeah they got bound a little but shell be fine!!


Thank you Al this is a pic from last night before I watered.

Here’s a pic of those Saturday after giving it a good trimming AKA get those Andre the Giant leaves out of there and tie them to the camping skewers. The one on the left grew over one foot and less than a week the other ones grew but not as much. The one on the right is the solo blueberry. But very patient man on letting things grow :potted_plant: to their full potential. I also take a look at them everyday that’s why I don’t like scrog I like to give him a big hug. :hugs:


I too germinate all my seeds in FF happy frog…no concerns whatsoever.


In my book you can’t do better than HF. I now do harder seed in it also.


That’s supposed to say Garden Seeds.


Wow thats really a little forest… :+1:

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Thank you, I’ve trimmed many leaves a couple of times off these pretty good the way they are now. I have updated photos that I just posted of this crop. The one on the left grew the center stalk 22 inches in 11 days. I ended up tying that a certain way so it’s not in the center anymore and it won’t hit the light here’s a pic I’m proud right now


Nice man!!.. :+1: Great trees!!

Thank you I’ve been meaning to post new pictures I’ve just been so busy but here they are. Happy Sunday everybody

Here’s one of the snaps of a branch probably 5 weeks ago she looks good

Here is a picture of my lower fans to circulate air under the leaves and the one above. I only have a 2x4 tent right now it’s tough to circulate down there two Infinity square fans

The one in the left I have no idea how it got 4 ft tall but it is amnesia Haze Auto flowers.
The middle is blueberry autoflowers on the right amnesia Haze. Those two are about 33 inches tall. These photos were taken this week the end of May.
Cuz that play it got so tall and it was hitting my light I had to change up ventilation. I had a charcoal filter with the fan up top now I have just a little filter going to the fan going to an external charcoal filter. No more dual filters and I don’t smell any different so I’m good to go either way.


Great job…The darkness of the Blueberry looks deliciously berry…They all look good!

Thank you hear some up close pictures


Oh wow…I can taste the Blueberries from here…Nice color!!

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I only grow outdoors but i use fox farm happy frog religiously and ive never had any problem with it, actually the complete opposite, any and everything ive even grown , weed , tomatoes, peppers ect. have thrived .