Seedlings drooping and turning yellow

Hi, so im having a new issue that ive never experienced before. Im growing blackberry autos in organic soil under spider farms quantum lights. All the seeds popped perfectly and i put into wet soil and then watered every 2-3 days. They wont grow and they look like their dying. I thought maybe overwatering so i really cut their watering back and cover them with a dome and misted the dome for a few days but still only getting worse. Any help? Temps are normal, humidity is normal all outside factors i usually check are normal.

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Today the soil was bone dry after 3 days no water, i watered with a shot glass of distilled water

Bring your lights closer and put an oscillating fan on low. That will help them thicken up a lot.

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I dealt with this a few times. You gotta watch how much water your giving your seedling it can easily be to much.


Howdy Nick
Have to keep water away from stem,definitely too much water.
What type of soil is it,is it store bought ?

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@NewbieNick Also water about 2inches around the plant make roots come to the water my friend happy growing

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Did yours come back? Im worried they’re not gonna make it. And these seeds were EXPENSIVE lol

Its an organic mix made by a local arborist so its homemade but not by me.

Overwatered, we see it all the time on here.

How do i fix? Or can i? I just dont want them to die

Best you can do it let the soil dry out and see how it goes. A fan may help little bit. A plant that size only needs a couple ml of water per day.

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I would stop the watering, get a clear solo cup to make a dome over the seedlings. Then poke a hole in the top, mist the dome daily until they develop some leaves. I then remove the dome and water around the plant, away from the stem to promote root growth. That’s my method and it works well. I might ask the arborist who made the soil what exactly they put in it. Too hot on nutrients can inhibit growth as well.

The thing is im growing them in specific seedling pots that have aeration all the sides and the soil has never been wet for more than an hour. Even at first when I soaked the soil on 4 hours it was completely dry and light so the soil isnt retaining the water.

gotcha, are you ph-ing the water? If it were me, I would add a dome and mist the dome once a day. See if they respond. I know alot of people don’t dome, but it helps me be successful in my grows.

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I switched to distilled 2 days ago just to eliminate any other factors. So its 7ph right now

Ill try the dome method though

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Soil is usually 6.5-7.0 ph range, so that’s good. Are you using straight water, no nutrients or additives? I use silica and water on my little ones, silica will affect PH. What is your light height and intensity? What brand lights are you using and have you adjusted it up or down recently?