Second week of flowering can I switch to 12/12?

I am running out of light space. The 18/6 putting a lot of strain being so close. If I switch to 12/12 will it effect yield? Thanks


Can you tie them down some so they aren’t so close ?


That’s what I was thinking. Gently pull her over if the stems haven’t gotten to woody from flower.


First how long you run your lights won’t affect how close they are to light. Being a couple of weeks into flower the should be done stretching. So won’t get to much more height. I know sometimes pics can be deceiving but it doesn’t look like your girls are to close to light. What makes you think they are



I dealt with the same issue. I stopped measuring at 54". So when you add the height of the container and room for light / fan I was running up against it in 7’ tent. I used heavy wire to basically form a splint. I Tied the splint high & low with pipe cleaners (or rapid clip plant ties) I would message the stalk to loosen the fibers. Bend it a little and adjust the splint. I did it again the next day and the next until it was bent 90’
I had to to this with 2 out of 4 WWA. It was a mess but it got me to harvest. Just be careful so you don’t break the stem. I don’t think you want to supercrop at this stage. good luck


I have to ask. I have seen others do this as well. How do you add the arrows, circles, etc to the photo. Copy into paint or video editor?

@beardless. I just use a screen shot on my phone and that lets me edit or add to pic. :v:


Thanks all for the advice. First timer here I should have done a better job from the start. The one you put the arrows the main is already bent at a 45 degree. Those are 18 inches from a CMH315. Basically they all are in the 18-20 range from the light. First time learning experience next time scrog. Plus the first 4 weeks were with a shitty Led. Do they look ok for 6weeks? Should i defoliate? Thanks

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You should have two weeks ago my friend.

B Safe

It does not effect yield at all? Thanks

I usually do a screenshot and at that point phone will pop up and ask if I want to save,also can edit at that point. Probably not explaining it to well. Either way if you do screen shot you can edit after you save.

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@Oldguy although I have a smart phone I am not adept with all of its features. thanks

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So they are 2 weeks into flowering @ 18/6 ??? Am I the only one that is confused or the only one that read this? The main question was will switching to 12/12 effect yield.


I’m with you! Unless maybe they’re autos?

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God dang it …women - think they’re so smart!! It is under autoflower topic LoCo…duh …

I would still like a opinion if going 12/12 would effect yield? Thanks yes they are Autos

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It is the collective opinion that 18/6 is best for auto flower. Something to do with the daylight hours of the geographic origins of ruderallis.

That’s what I was after.

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Lol, I didn’t even see the topic. I was as confused as you🤣

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My question is how is there bud development when he hasn’t switched to 12-12? They might be autos. I have an auto that I thought should have been harvested by now and I’m wondering if she might be a pheno. Who knows when in doubt read the trichomes.

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