Second run of the ILGM White Widow Auto

White Widow was the first strain I ever grew. It smokes just fine but I chopped it way too early. I have done a whole other grow cycle since then with Mephisto Genetics with better results after applying what I learned. Going into my 3rd grow cycle I am running these ILGM white widows next to Mephisto Double Grape and Fastbuds Banana Purple punch. This grow journal will focus on the White Widow only. I am running in Living soil the was reamended with 4 cups per cubic yard of BaS craft blend and 4 cups per cubic yard of charged BaS Bio Char. I mixed in about 10% pumice and 10% rice husks for aeration. I will be transplanting into the Original Earthbox at 1 plant per earth box. I ran 2 plants per earth box last cycle and imo I think the plants will do better and will allow me better management of the canopy going with 1 plant per earth box. I did update my tent to a 5x5 and my light to a fluence Spydr Fang 636 watt full spectrum led. My original run was done in a 2x4 with the light AC infinity includes. Also the first run was done in 5 gallon pots were this run will be done in 15 gallon earthboxes

I started the seed in an humidity dome on 8/31 using coast of Maine sprout island seed starter. It broke thru the soil this morning on 9/9. I was honestly doubling that it was going to germinate at all. Thru this cycle I will mainly be using Build a Soil nutes and recharge/molasses. I am really looking forward to seeing my improvements of my 1st grow.