-->scryptic's Newbie Grow

Nice they are looking good man :call_me_hand:t3:

Day 62

I accidentally cut some growth tips while topping. Is this going to mess up my yield?


nah don’t think so they look good man congrats


Thank you!

I just got an LED upgrade today. MedicGrow 880 watt with UV/ IR bars.

I don’t know whether I should run the UV IR bars yet or wait until flipping to flower. I need to figure out the different spectrum modes this thing offers. Right now it’s set at V1.


Don’t know much about UV bars but I have always seen the used in flower


Day 71

Gonna flip to flower as soon as I get this black silicone so I can be sure the indicator light on my humidifier is completely blocked.


Wow they are looking nice :call_me_hand:t3:


Day 75

I flipped to 12/12 lighting last night!

Super Silver Haze

Blackberry Kush


I run my uva bars veg and flower it don’t cause any harm in veg unless u have the lights touching leaves. It is super beneficial for the plants and the sun always gives off uv start to finish.


I turned the UV IR bars on a few days ago. Plants seem happy. Pistils are beginning to show up.


Nice they look super nice.



I feel like using CoM Buds and Blooms alone isn’t providing the right NPK for flowering so I ordered some more ferts.

What do you think about me adding this to my watering routine

And possibly these others down the road…



You can use a bloom booster during flowering if ya want, just dont get one with alot of nitrogen. The NPK on the B&B is enough i promise. Ive had some great runs with just following their feeling schedule. Remember that lights and environment play a big role also.

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Awesome, yeah Incredible Bulk is .1-10-25

Here’s how the girls looked a few days ago after defoliation


Flowering Day 18

I fixed the surge protector LED light pollution so hopefully they forgive me for that.

Got the Incredible Bulk compost tea brewing and bubbling. Might be a couple days until they dry enough for that.

I also added Azomite to the topsoil today. 8 tsp per pot.

Flowering Day 22

So far so good. No herms yet and hopefully there never will be.

VPD 1.29 nighttime and 1.43 daytime
Temperature 76-77 daytime and 70-71 nighttime
Humidity 49-50 nighttime and 53-55 daytime

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Update! Blackberry Kush was chopped a few days ago and the Super Silver Haze will be soon.


This is a good. Ud for an almost done or done. Ud from eye. See how all pistils are darker colored and only.like a quarter inch long. This is a good example of a done bud ir real close to done just looking woth the eyes. Looks great too man. Awesome job. Just flipped all my clones and got the new cuts in nutsery bags waitong to be sprayed with some sts. I sure hop a this wprks out. I went and ordered a pollen box and all to help.me get clean pollen. Now for anyone whom would throw. In a hint. What the best ways for me to store the pollen til i jave a plant rady to rub down with it. I dont wanna mess this up if i t is sucessful so @repins12 and anyone who makes seeds please drop the hints. Im gonna tey dusting 2nplants of cic with pollen and 2 plants of.mid snk with cic pollen if this works do i mix pollen with anything or leave it sstrait by itself in a vial again dont wanna mess this up as ive waited a long time for these damn cuts to make it to me and live. Lol. @pr jeres the room the front 2 smaller are the cic the rest are mid snk cuts ms cuts been in flower like 7 orn8 days cic been in for 2 nights now


Nice grow!


Thanks they font get much attn from me like when i started growing had plans to scrog 2 but rhat didnt happen as u see lol

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