Scrug, new build, indoor, hydro, Lucas formula

Thank you @AfgVet she is doing better now then before, I think changing up her meds really helped her.

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Ok, finally have some pictures.
AirCube 6 pot ebb N flow with 60 gallon reservoir, water chiller set at 69, GH nutes, 3 part, silica, cal mag, diamond nectar, Koolbloom and Hydrogaurd.
Day 79 since placed in the hydro system and day 45 since switched to bloom.
Al 6 are Black Widow from ILGM, feminized,
Two plants grew up tall and were touching the lights which were as high as they would go, so I had to tie them over a little. Each bud shot is of a different plant within the 10x10 tent.

And the last two are just shots of all them


Having an issue in the scrog tent,
Using GH 1 part flora nova, silica, Hydrogaurd, GH Diamond Nectar, GH cal/mag.
Temps 65/78 lights off/on
Water temp 69
Ebb n flow, cycle 15 minutes every 2 hours
PPm 1375
PH 5.96


@AfgVet @Borderryan22 @Myfriendis410 @ThatHydroCouple @StonedCold13
Having trouble with foxtailing, I understand it’s usually heat or light stress. I keep the temp between 68 and 85 depending on lights on/off, and time of year. Humidity is pretty constant around 55%. I keep the PH between 5.8 and 6.3. PPM, I start around 800, but by the time the 60 gallon res gets 1/2 empty it hits around 2100, so I add straight water (well water). Running an active aqua ebb and flow system with GH nutrients, silica, Hydrogaurd, and cal mag in grow stage, then in bloom stage I add Diamond nectar and Koolbloom.
I’m using 6”x6” Rockwell cubes with clay pebbles. The pump is set to flood 15 minutes every 2 hours, but I’ve noticed that the Rockwell cubes never dry out and has a green coating on top like mold.
Grow stage the plants do great, but 1/2 way through bloom is when the foxtailing starts.
Another thought is I’m using too many lights, I have 1 light per plant, the smallest light is 400w and the biggest is an HLG 6??w. I too when it gets above the 4th node, so it will spread out instead of just getting tall.
Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.


Dial back your light intensity when buds start ripening, around week 5 of flower. When I’m building buds I keep it up around 1000 umol’s. When they start ripening I drop it down to around 600-700 umol’s.
That should help you out.


Thank you, I will try that next time around.
And thank you for your service


Right on with @AfgVet . I’ve had slight foxtailing, but even worse is when nanners pop up.


@Borderryan22 @AfgVet
Ok trying to dial this in for the next time around.
Last 3 grows I had 6 per 10’x10’ tent. One tent I have a GB 480w I can dial down, the other 5 lights were Bestva 400w which have the grow/ bloom rocker, but can’t dial down, I could turn off the grow and just have the bloom on after about week 5 of bloom. On the GB I’m thinking it could do 2 plants instead of 1. Looking for any and all advice on this. Currently with 3 plants in a 5’ x 10’ space, they spread out and take up the whole space, and start growing into each other. I tip when it hits the 4th node, right above the 3rd node.
The other tent I have a HLG 635w, and 2 Spider Farmer SE 7000’s, which I can dial down all of them. Again it’s a 10x10 tent, and thinking about either 3 or 6 plants in each half (5’x10’) setting the lights up kind of in the middle for each light gets the outside plant(s) and 1/2 of the middle plant(s).
On another question, I’m running a 60 gallon reservoir with an active oxygen ebb and flow system set to flood for 15 minutes every 2 hours. I’m using 6x6 Rockwell cubes with clay pebbles to keep it straight and sturdy, the Rockwell cubes never completely dry out and form a green slime on top. My question is what grow medium would you all recommend with this system?

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I don’t know much about lights with bloom and veg settings but can you raise them to lower the intensity and broaden the footprint?

As far as the rockwool cube, when you put it into the clay pebbles, bury it below the clay pebbles and you shouldn’t have an issue. I’ve used 1” and 2” cubes and the 2” seem perfect.

Thank you, as far as veg state, yes I can raise the light, but not 1/2 way through bloom, light height is maxed out.
I can put the Rockwell cube all the way on the bottom, and I’m pretty sure I can get the top covered, but I’m thinking a bout what you said using 2” cubes, might be better all the way around


I will have to check the umol’s once I get the next batch ready. If I can’t get it dialed in correctly then I’m considering building a room inside my metal shop. If I go that route, it will probably be 10’x 20’, the shop is 30’x 50’. That way I could have a lung room, grow room and a trim room all within the one building. Maybe cut the grow room in half, so it’s not all done at once, saving me the trimming all at once.


I was going to suggest using a meter and do what ever you can to try and get the numbers right.

If you’re having height issues, try running a 12/12 light schedule from the very beginning on your next grow. If you haven’t seen my grow, I’ve been running this for a couple of years and get nice fat shorter plants. The stretch is minimal

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read about 1/2 of your journal, thanks for the invite.
I’m completely re setting up my 10x10 tent. I have in the past used 2 10x10’s with 6 plants per tent, but always had a height problem, I would end up with 8 to 12 oz per plant, but would always foxtail, and nanners.
So from your journal, and advice this is what I’m planning on.
1 10x10 tent, 12 plants, two strains both Indica dominant one 80/20 other 70/30, California Dreamin and Critical Mass. I run the same set up as you, with a 60 gallon res. I use GH nutes, but been thinking of switching to Jacks when I run out.
I’ve ordered 2” Rockwell to replace my 6” cubes. I’ve ordered 2 of the 4000 lights you use in your journal. So my light line up is 1 HLG 635w, 2 Spider Farmer SE 7000’s, 1 Green Beam 480w, and 2 of the 4000’s you use. I know I won’t need all of them, so I’m thinking (advice here please) the two 4000’s on one side and the 2 spider farmers on the other side? Would that be too much? I can dim them down and or keep them raised as far as possible. I will try and keep it dialed in at 1000 umol’s during veg and ‘around 600 during bloom. I’m going to experiment with the 12/12 light schedule, as in the past I’ve done 18/6, then 12/12. I guess when I see buds starting to form is when I change the nutes up from veg to bloom.
I’m thinking 8 plants on one side and 4 on the other side as I have my brain controller inside the tent so it’s all one level. Only issue I’ve had in the past is when I put too much water in the res, it over flowed, but figured that out and no issues since.
I’m sure there are things I’m not thinking about right now, but plan of starting the grow Sunday or Monday as the seeds are germinating now.


Yeah, I wish I could be more help with the lights but if you hadn’t heard, I’m an electrical idiot :crazy_face:. Perhaps @OGIncognito or @kaptain3d could assist. I can’t tell you that the Bloom Plus 4000 is doing an awesome job flowering 5x4 to 4.5 I’d say. I’ve got it covering a third of the tent now but it could cover a bit more.

For the nutes, yup, feed them the same way you would normally. Do everything the same, except the light schedule. And when you switch to jacks it’ll be easier because you can use the same recipe germination through chop day.

I love the fact I can chop a plant and stick a three day old plant right back in its spot and keep rolling.


For lights, as with most things in life, I’m clueless :man_facepalming:
When I wonder about lights, I look for @dbrn32 , @Low or @MeEasy guidance… :nerd_face:


I’m still a novice on these types of details. tagging the same as @kaptain3d @Mntmannw :love_you_gesture:


Thanks for the tag :blush:

Your pairings you asked about sound good together. They all handle around 4x4 footprints. Next to each other, with overlap probably 4x9 before seeing a more drastic drop off. Same applies to the 4000’s. I like to space lights about 8” apart for bar style or mimic the current bar spacing on the fixtures. around 12-15” for board style. The more a light is diffused (multiple bars or boards) the closer the fixtures need to be. They cast their light OUT earlier than a concentrated BOARD. Where as you can expect overlap to happen 15-20” below the boards buying you extra real estate.

Bar style lights perform better if you maintain an even-ish canopy. ‘Probably’ easier with indica dom cultivars if you are after less training. Scrog or SOG recommended. Great coverage, at the cost of intensity over a distance. Board is much more intense over a distance at the cost of coverage.

Idk your style or how you intend on proceeding, but under each fixture I’d try to group similar sized plants together. They should express natural growth speed, shape, size during veg to give you time to group them. This will help you get plants of similar size under each fixture so you can adjust it as needed without being to far out of range for something else. It won’t always work, but it seems to help mitigate drastic size differences between phenos/strains.


@Low @AfgVet @kaptain3d @OGIncognito @dbrn32 @MeEasy
Thank you all for responding.
All ladies (12) will be Indica dominant. And being the novice I am, using the spider farmers ( bar) side by side and one of the board style would cover 1/2 of the tent with 8 plants, it would be a 5x10 area. The other 4 plants will be fine ( 3 to 4’x 5’) would be fine with 2 board style. Probably put the green beams with the two spider farmers and the bloom plus 4000’s so I wouldn’t use the HLG at all.
My issue in the past was foxtailing, and I believe it’s from light stress, so this set up I can dial back the lights, and keep them raised to max to keep my 1000 umol’s in veg and 600 umol’s in bloom stage.
Being two strains both Indica dominant I’m hoping the height on them all is close, although last grow 6 plants all black widow the two by the green beams 480w light in stretch shot to the roof and I had to tie them down to keep them out of the light, but I didn’t check the umol’s or dial back the light.
Again thank you all for the input.


Fox tailing and light stress usually happens past week 5/6 of flower. I generally Try to get veg/transition up to 500-600, 600-700 first few days of flower, start upping intensity to 1000 by end of week 2, 700 by end of flower. Or the last 1-2 weeks when they are just maturing. Depends on your flowers! They will dictate your move more than anything. Lol. Some you can push all the way through some you gotta baby.


Thank you @low, but can you translate par to umol’s? I’m like @AfgVet on this, like that rock out in the yard, I’m actually under the rock.
I do hear what you’re saying, as my fox tailing starts usually around week 4 of bloom. I start getting some huge buds filling in nicely, then they go to heck fast. Tric’s are always nice and heavy, lots of frost. Even with the fox tailing I’m averaging about 8 to 12 oz per plant, once I get this dialed in, I think I will be close, until something else pops up :joy::joy:
But again, thank you, all the help in this forum is awesome.
@OGIncognito @kaptain3d @Thumper @MeEasy @dbrn32