Even though I tried to drown them last night, they’re still pretty girls! Northern Lights auto sure seems to be moving slow.
Here’s a few school photos:
Yup its an absolute info overload to start. But u learnd another lesson. They look no worse for wear so no harm no foul.
And yea daydreaming about growing more lot is a side effect of growing pot. Cant remember anyone ever making it to harvest and thinkin “i need less space”… haha except maybe @Big123
As a new grower I find myself often wondering if my plants look right… Do they look healthy? Are they as big as they should be for their age?..
I’ve read a lot of posts on here from new growers who have the same questions and concerns. So I want to post a couple of pics of my White Widow (non-auto’s) in the hopes that another new grower may come across this post and have something to reference against their own grow.
Day 11:
(Took them outside for a quick photo op)
@PurpNGold74 @TXCanna @dbrn32 @Covertgrower @merlin44 @GreenJewels @elheffe702 @Witchhouse
Your on point man. No worries. Happy healthy and green. They pick up speed soon. Keep watching those roots.
Thanks @PurpNGold74, I’m just able to see the roots in the side of the clear cups. I’m hoping to possibly re-pot them this weekend if they’re ready. Haven’t decided for sure yet whether to go a step up to 2.5 gallon pots or straight into the 5 gallon fabric pots. Since both of my WW’s look very similar, I’m thinking about doing an experiment… planting one in Fox Farms Ocean Forest and the other in @garrigan62’s Bad A… Soil mix (G-BAS).
I was just about to say the same…they’ll probably need potted up soon. Looking good!
Oh, and when you do, you can bury part of the stem if you want. They’re not quite what I’d call “leggy” but if you can rule out having them fall over, even better.
@elheffe702 @PurpNGold74 man I really appreciate the feedback! It’s very reassuring to know there’s a community here that has your back! I might just go ahead and re-pot them tomorrow…
I’d do one, see how it goes, then give the other a little longer and do the same, so you have a little more feel for both. Some like to transplant as soon as roots are visible. Some like to let them wrap around just a little bit so the soil holds together better when transplanting. I’m a bit of a procrastinator, so mine sometimes go until you can lift the whole thing by the stalk, and they do okay, so no rush
I prefer to set the stages of growth myself… so i usually go from startertray-solo cup, to 1-2 gall pot, then to 5 a week or so before flower. If your outside and maximizing light hours in a late season, id def go straight to 5 gallons. Its yo world tho.
Also! As a new grower, keep in mind. The less you have to handle them, the less mistakes you can make. This time was my FIRST without a transplant mishap
This is what im waiting for between pots. MUCH safer when u can just squeeze ur pot a bit, flip, and gently pull stem
Looks good! Transplanting is Important because you don’t want them to get root bound.
They look very healthy. Your doing a great job with them
Looking good. Look about ready for some bigger digs!
Thanks y’all
Looks good, nice job!
Thanks @dbrn32!
Day 12
Re-potting day!
Doing a little experiment since both these girls look like (fraternal) twins right now. Doing something a little different for each of them to see if one method works better than the other.
WW1 went in to final home 5 gallon fabric pot with @garrigan62’s Bad Ass Soil mix (G-BAS).
WW2 went in 1 gallon pot with FFOF soil and will be transplanted later in life to a 5 gallon fabric pot.
Just straight water to both for now… I figure the soil is hot enough!
@PurpNGold74 @dbrn32 @TXCanna @merlin44 @Covertgrower @elheffe702 @GreenJewels
We do it… FOR SCIENCE!!! I like the second method btw
For science… suuuurrree…
looks good though!
it’s only for Science, I swear!
Now that they’ve been transplanted I’m sure I’ll probably have buds by tomorrow evening at the latest!!
Haha nah bro. Ur at least a week or two away. Patience