Sage’s (First Timer) White Widow Grow Journal

They look good, don’t look like your over watering or anything. Keep it up.

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@PurpNGold74 @TXCanna
Thanks guys… not overwatering has been my toughest obstacle for some reason. But every time I think I want to do it, I think slow down…they’re doing good. I’m just beginning to barely see some traces of roots around the edge of the plastic cup. I think maybe another week and then I’ll transplant. After I get to the 5th node I want to FIM and begin LST.

Good plan. When in cups i usually watch the leaves. Once they reach over the edge of the cup, u should be solidly rooted. But clear cups tell the story even better

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@PurpNGold74 Leaves over the edge, that sounds like a good rule of thumb to remember… thanks!
It’s amazing all the little things I’ve learned here… my brain is running out of room! :laughing:

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Haha just wait… my cup overfloweth with knowledge. :joy::joy: i cant wait for legalization. Gonna be a straight guru


This is the goal:

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@dbrn32 I have two of these lights for my 2’ x 4’ x 5’ tall grow tent.

Do you think that’s good or should I have went with something else entirely?
Like the qb 288 or a diy of some sort?
I’m reading lighting posts and second guessing myself…

Two of them probably not too bad. If you already have them, run a couple of grows and see how you do. Chances are there will be new shit hot light out by then anyway

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@dbrn32 okay thanks man… who knows what the future holds. I’d like to get to a point where I have separate rooms for veg, flower, propagation, etc. I’m jumping the gun I know… two weeks into my very first grow but it’s hard not to daydream about it! :laughing:


That is a jacked up looking laugh face emoji… I’ve got a find a different one! :triumph:

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Okay so I’m such a newbie… everyone says be careful to not water too much at this seedling stage.
Then people say the runoff pH is very important!
So you see my dilemma?

I let ‘em get good and dry then I watered to runoff…

Day 8 after sprouting from soil.
Watered WW1 & 2 to runoff.
WW1 - pH water was at 6.53 - runoff 6.08
WW2 - pH water was at 6.53 - runoff 6.05

(I think) my plan is to wait a few days until they dry up and then adjust pH Up to 7 to get a runoff of 6.5.

Also: the new BBa seed I set to germinate finally popped out of it’s shell. Planted in soil.

@elheffe702 @PurpNGold74 @Covertgrower @TXCanna @GreenJewels @Witchhouse @dbrn32 @garrigan62

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Don’t know who told you that B.S You shouldn’t have to ph or any of that other stuff Not with seedlings, Maybe in there vegg stage yuh but not seediling.

and by the way Welcome to ILGM and to our awesome community


Okay thanks man!
Hopefully I don’t kill them!

P.S. I have a batch of your special soil mixed for when I get them to the veg stage.


Me too, Keep them girls happy Ok lol


Maybe I better go apologize to them and give them a pep talk.

You don’t water seedlings to runoff either. Small amount will do. Watering to runoff and testing is more of a troubleshooting method for diagnosing problems when you’re in an amended soil.


@dbrn32 thanks, live and learn!
Success comes from experience, experience comes from mistakes…
I intend to actually be good at this one of these days…


Pretty much how we all learned lol. You’ll get there without a doubt.


You want to water a seedling as pictured below. There’s a lot to take in I’m sure all the info ran together. Seedlings don’t get run off. They don’t need much water and water 1-2" from stem to avoid rot. You start watering to run off really when you start adding nutrients during veg state. Just pH your water going in.


@TXCanna thanks, that helps. I bet this is something I won’t forget! I don’t think anyone told me wrong, I think it’s just all bleeding together.

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