Rotating strains to maximize potency

Hi team, was wondering if anyone else rotate strains to maximize the effects. As a new grower its taken me 6 months to have 4 strains to use in my daily vape doses.
My capsules which I take every morning are all the same strain GG4 which works amazingly for migraine nausea and mild chronic fatigue. I take upto 6 a day.
Then these jars are my rotation until next harvest 6 weeks away.
For me 4 days off any strain and its like the first time with that strain again. So I use just one strain a day then change.
Anybodys input greatly appreciated.


@AAA @SheilaT @CoyoteCody @dbrn32 @Cannabian @CalamityJane @Oldguy @CoyoteCody @merlin44 @Arrow please tag medical patients or anyone you think might be interested :thinking: thank you.


Well Im not personally a med patient, I do know many, and yes they frequently flip through thebstrains that seem to bring relief. The idea is that flipping keeps your tolerance a bit lower. The terpines are different and so it has a different effect as a result.b


Medical patient here :raised_hand:

I do exactly the same. I try to keep a sativa or very sativa-dominant hybrid, a 50/50, and indica-dominant strains at any given time. If I have the same strain too often, it does lose some of its pep, but I feel like itā€™s mostly in my head. Like, ā€œoh, this again.ā€ Variety is the spice of life, after all. This is why Iā€™m aiming for a perpetual grow, so I can harvest more often, and have more variety, sooner. Iā€™m blessed to have the space for one. If I was restricted to less space, I might consider autos, just to be able to have more variety in the same space without having to worry about light schedules. You could have one near harvest and a seedling right next to each other, that way. Two separate spaces allows more control over lighting, as well as veg time, and therefore yield.

Thatā€™s a wide variety of strains to use one each day. What if you tried a little skunk in the morning, gg4 in the afternoon, pink medic (Iā€™m not familiar with it, pink og cbd strain?) at suppertime, gdp before bed? Thatā€™s what Iā€™d do, or something close to that. My needs may be different from yours, but a couple of our symptoms sound similar. My goal is to have a couple/few strains of each ā€˜timeslotā€™ of the day, to both have different strains throughout the day, as well as variety day-to-day. Hope some of that is helpful to you! :v:


Medicinal grower here as wellā€¦starting to go into the unknown world of CBD. My experience with cbd is limited to Blue Cheese 18/3 THC/CBD. I will be dabbling into broad spectrum 1/1 strains to explore the entourage effect to its fullestā€¦unfortunately this is not a well documented route. I know @MrPeat also grows for medical reasonsā€¦:sunglasses::v:


Medical grower here. Just my first cbd strain at 6 weeks in. Super critical bud cbd.
25%thc/23% cbd. Really looking forward to this one.
I also rotate strains throughout the day.
Sativa for the morning. Indica later in the day.
Variety keeps me from building a tolerance to any one strain in particular.
@kaptain3d is a med grower too. :wave::wave:


I grow for Pain Management. And I mean debilitating pain that will make you rock back and forth screaming at the top of your lungs. Its bad and that is an understatementā€¦

So the stage is set. I grow mainly Sativas. I am always so exhausted. I donā€™t like Couch Lock. So I lean to CBD planta. In fact, I have switched gears to CBD plants growing only.

I have such a high tolerance to all things. It doesnā€™t matter what it is. Even prescription meds after a few days they no longer worm on me.

I also likw to be in control of my mind. I really dig G13 Labs Peach Puree CBD. Its 2:1 aka 10% CBD and 5% THC. It gives a little head high but then it transition to a beautiful body high.


Thank you for your input and very helpful. You are so right and spot on with your suggestions. Pink medic is my name for Pink Panther Iā€™ve grown 2 phenos of it. Both are fantastic morning meds but I have vaped it at night at of course its too speedy. So much of what you says rings true I had the same thought with autos hence my 4 strains albeit minimal return from my noob lack of growing skills. This morning only 3 hits on the vape GDP worked well. Im thinking 4 strains for daytime and 4 for nighttime will be just the business.
Im already noticing a huge difference in potency from this 4 day rotation. GG4 is a bit more true to label now and the curing has lit up the terps big time.


Im so excited about the CBD strains. Peach Puree of course thank you @MrPeat Ive also just dropped some Sebrings revenge CBD and Ive got some Caramel Cookies seed that sounds promising. Super critical bud seed is on its way hopefully to, so exciting times ahead.


Cant wait to hear your report Sir :+1:


@Blackmoon @anon49170411 @anon33684698 thought you might be interested team.


I grow mainly for my insomnia,and grow several different strains each grow now so as to avoid tolerance and for variety. Saliva dominant for daytime and indica at night.Smoking on some Hash Plant right now at 3: 30 in the morning. Works great for insomnia. I wake up 3-4 time a night.4 hits off a homemade vape and back to sleep.I also grow some CBD plants and make tinctures, pain lotions and bath bombs and RSO


Got you on watching. Had a read back through good to get a bit of history and background on whats happening for everyone and why they smoking.
Good grief @MrPeat that sounds absolutely awful what you have described.
Iā€™ve been in that situation many times just out of my mind and body pain.
Screaming and needing to be knocked out with injections.
Iā€™ve had that bad pain in my head my shoulder my lower back and sciatica in both legs at the same time.
Not all at the same time thank goodness.
I was taking cbd oil for my concussion last year and it really helped.
My brain was scrabble without it.
I did take a bit much one night and was seeing a lot of faces in the wood grain on the ceiling that where not there in the morning. Lol
I have a critical mass seed donated to me by a very kind person :heart:
Have to wait til next seasons grow its a photo female seed.
The peach puree sounds good too.
Thanks for the invite @Fergus


Hey :wave: thanks for the tag @Fergus, i donā€™t grow for medicinal purposes, but looks like youā€™ve found a few here that do! :smile:

But I do agree that rotating strains can feel like it lessens my tolerance. And like @Oldguy says, itā€™s I think itā€™s good to have a sativa dominant during the day and indica in the evening/night. Thatā€™s what we try to do anyway :woman_shrugging:
Appreciate Iā€™m probably not much help but feel free to tag me if you have any questions and Iā€™ll do my best. :relaxed:

CJ. :v:


Thanks for the tag @Fergus yep I smoke for pain every single day now. As you may have read in my journal, while I wait for my first plants to mature, dry, cure, I actually have no idea what it is - except that I asked for ā€œbushā€. I have been very intently reading up about the different strains and their expected effects so Iā€™m really keen to see how each one affects me and how I can maximise each of their ā€œskillsā€ to apply my day to day needs. I still work full time in a technical role so I really need my wits about me. The stuff I have now doesnā€™t make me drowsy whatsoever so itā€™s probably a sativa strain?? Iā€™m def jumping onboard for this convo!


I primarily use it as a sleep aid. I suffer migraines but get little to no relief from them with cannabis. I do like to get high so rotating strains seems to help me to enjoy them a bit more. I like to keep a dozen or so different varieties on hand.


Iā€™m going to drop this wheel here, maybe it helps someoneā€¦:sunglasses::v:


I try to keep variety, but as with anything else, some work better than others with migraines. I really prefer a sativa so Iā€™m not zombieā€™d out on the couch. Will take a indica dominant before bed though.

I have a few strains that work well, and keep them on hand, and switch between the few and theyā€™ll work more effectively again.
Tolerance break if you can is ultimately the best choice. I take a few of those when I can, itā€™s not always an option for everyone I understand that.

Variety is always best though.


I live in non-stop pain. Even with 16 pinched nerves, sciatic and femoral nerves to both legs run fun times 24/7. Thats before all the bone damage. All damage from serving. I donā€™t get REM sleep.

Right now my pain is past Pluto since I am at the Firework Stand till Jan 1st. I donā€™t let pain stop me whatsoever. I refuse to smoke and drink alcohol while herr.

So if I recommend a strain for Pain Management, yā€™all know why I do. With my high tolerance and I get a head high, good luck on your ride. :joy::joy::joy:


We do the same. Some strains we build immunity some more than others. When I leave them alone for a bit they work again. Now some strains We can use forever like my Train Wreck every day for a year and itā€™s still doing the job. My husband has a tumour that canā€™t be removed in 3 of his vertebrae and 2 ribs. He has had both chemo and radiation therapy and this is year 5 since he had his treatments. It will always cause him pain because of where it is.