Rotating strains to maximize potency

I grow for my wife, a long term fibromyalgia sufferer, and myself, a long term poor sufferer of fools. lol

As I have aged the analgesic properties of weed have become a real criteria for selection and grow before last I did a Harlequin (Ilgm) for my wife which opened our eyes to higher cbd strains. I plan to try others.


@MrPeat how do you still function at that pain level its so debilitating sciatica is the cruelest crazy pain there no let up there no position that gives you relief then your femoral nervous system is damaged too.
Oh my thats a horrific way to live.
How have you come to be in this creation.

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Sciatica is my latest addition I feel for you all with that its a nasty monster. I was up 3 times last night trying to get reliefā€¦three strains later :zzz:
Thank you all for your replies its always a grat help :pray:


You gotta add Peach Puree CBD. It works great for pain. I wish I could send you some. Its against the rules so its a no go. :pensive::pensive::pensive:

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Thank you for sharing @MrPeat as a comrad of being on the end of the unforgiving pain that sciatica delivers.
I canā€™t imagine having to live with it permanently.
My fully blown episodes last only months longest was 2 years that medication would take the edge off for me.
Some days I just could not move an inch of my body in fear of the next level of unforgiving unrelenting pain that movement created.
The last time I had a full blown attack was when I prolapsed my L4 L5 discā€™s in my lower back.
The fluid squirted out and hung on the sciatica nerve for 9 months while the fluid dried up.
Shear hell.
This is the reward you get mr peat for serving in the army well isnā€™t that just great. Not.
Iā€™m hearing you.
Thanks for sharing


@Fergus what has sparked your sciatica your experiencing now?

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@Myfriendis410 thanks that pissed me off :joy: a dozen or so stains. :roll_eyes: Iā€™m blessed to have two strains Iā€™ve grown to enjoy but between my wife and I, we can go through an oz in 7-10 days. Hard to stock up smoke at this rate. :joy: But yes me too something for daytime and something heavier for getting locked up to the couch on purpose. Trying to cut back but itā€™s a daily for me with Crohnā€™s - I only eat once or twice a dayā€¦ So tolerance sucksā€¦ Working on growing as much goodness as I can. :sunglasses: A few trips to Colorado and at my T Level is such that I was never able to find dank weed. Some good weed but eye opening in a bar way. Maybe itā€™s my bodyā€™s endocannabinoid system responding differently as Iā€™ve aged. Started almost 40 years ago. In the old days scarcity was our t breaksā€¦ :roll_eyes::man_shrugging::grin:


This is why I am here :trophy:out standing @Myfriendis410


No idea mate. Probably over 40 years of competitive sport catching up. Cant walk very well somedays but can still get some training in. Yeah not anywhere near as smart as I pretend to be :rofl:


Oh Iā€™m not knocking @Myfriendis410 at all just envious. But hey I donā€™t have to buy it anymore! F that pricesā€¦ :rage: Can buy plenty of nutes and supplies with that money.


There are some good stretches you can do @Fergus to help relieve the sciatica nerve pain in your case from what you have shared.
Good to get it diagnosed as it could be a piriformis entrapment way easier to rectify than sciatica.
Creates same pain symptoms.
Howā€™s your weather up north the day before Christmas :christmas_tree:.
Hard to believe its back again.


Having blizzard warning here in MN overnight 6-12"


Far out just what Santa :santa: enjoys lol

Donā€™t get me wrong I donā€™t mind a little head high here and there @Blackmoon. Who doesnā€™t, right?

I am switching to CBD side mainly. Even with my tolerance, about 1/2 gram bowl of my Peach Puree CBD gives me about 1 hour of relief. Then add in my Happy Pills the VA Hospital uses to treat my PTSD and Insomnia will knock me down. Up to 2 hours later and sleepy time but no REM sleep sadly.

My theory is if its 1:1 ratio you get the best of both worlds of THC and CBD. Now say its 1:30 aka in favor of CBD, you may get a slight head buzz but it wonā€™t last. Since the high CBD ratio cancels out the THC buzz. I maybe wrong.

I like the 1:2 ratio personally. :+1::+1::+1:


Who doesnā€™t indeed. @MrPeat who doesnā€™t indeed
Enjoy a wee head buzz from time to time.
I really feel for you having bout of sciatica myself.
Iā€™ll be keeping my eyes open for peach puree for sure.
Finding some thing to help you reach that rem would be helpful.
Sounds like you got the medication and cbd sorted.
I got onto cbd last year when I had concussion it was really helpful.
Hope you get some relief from your pain over Christmas :christmas_tree:
Thanks for sharing just donā€™t know what to say to acknowledge your painā€¦
Hang in there just doesnā€™t seem to cut it.
Your remarkable


Thanks for your concern. 1st xray showed sciatica inflammation. Symptoms changed so much they ordered a hip xray looking for wear but there was very little. So back to sciatica diagnosis. Yes been stretching :+1:


@neofirebird I didnā€™t mean to piss you off haha. Iā€™ve been fortunate til now with a friend who traded samples with me so have usually had a bunch of different cultivars on hand. I donā€™t smoke a huge amount. More for edibles and my wife is a lightweight lol. So flower lasts a long time here. I actually give most away.


Not a shock. The Sciatic nerve will hit the lower Lumbar down your butt cheek then the back side of your thighs. And can cruise down to your feet. Of course this is just a ā€œGeneralā€ path it takes.

I had my hip smashed in. From my experience, the Sciatic nerve never bothered my hip. My hips have been X-rayed around 100 times. Some wear and tear for me being 48.

@Blackmoon No need to acknowledge my pain. We all experience it differently. G13 Labs makes Peach Puree CBD. Also look at Garden of Green Super Critical Bud CBD. This strain is basically 1:1 ratio while PP CBD is 1:2 aka THC:CBD.

Both of these strains will do the job. Its all about pointing out strains that work on pain and where it helps. I had a buddy with Stage IV metastasis all throughout his body and the PP CBD took ALL his pain while it was coursing through his body. He passed away on October.


Oh you didnā€™t piss me off! :grin: I was being sarcastic. :wink: All good bro :v:

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@MrPeat when I get struck by sciatica I get it at the sorce of the pain L4 L5 then the middle of my glutius a little at the back of my upper leg then comes on real strong just below knee joint on the outside.
Then again at the ankle.
Mostly in my left leg sometimes my right then my days of hell are when it strikes both at the same time.
I was given a critical mass seed that I will grow next summer now as Iā€™m an outside grower no power to run a tent and lights Sadly.
I will check both them sites out.
Happy Xmas