When germinating, is it really necessary to allow the taproot to reach a length of several mm before planting? I’ve been planting my seeds as soon as they crack and a bit of white Is showing, with very little success. I plant the seeds in Black Gold organic seedling mix, grow room temps about 75° to 85°F. I have 100% germination rate and then nothing. After a year of trying, i’ve raised one GDP to about 4" before killing her. I have a few seeds left and then i’m going back to growing from clones.
Indoor grow? Using a tent? Lights on at least 18/6? What’s the rh in the environment?
I’m not familiar with that soil myself
I place in medium and cover as soon as they crack
And you’re properly watering the medium prior to putting the germinated seeds in, yes?
I don’t wetedium I buffer coco then feed from day one first week or two using a spray and dome
My bad, i was still replying to OP to make sure his soil is watered lol
I prefer at least 1/4” to 1/2” taproot. My last seed had a 4 to 5 inch taproot in less than 36 hours in damp toilet paper. It blew the helmet right off. She looked like she was dying but somehow lived.
She is in her forever home.
@MrPeat Like for real forever home in just the bottom of that cut off bottle?
I am germing 1 seed in water and a touch of peroxide. She just cracked. I will put her in forever pot this evening. I have had some take a week or more to sprout. I just pulled 1 to pot that popped after 3 weeks. Was a fresh seed that fell in the dirt and i lost it till it sprouted…lol.
Chiming in…
Start with good soil for the transplant after germing - water it until it drips out the bottom, set to the side.
Germ the seed in a small bowl of water with Hydroperox, I use a cap full. Keep in dark room temp cupboard. After 12-24 hours if she pops, I place her in a papertowel and use the water from the bowl to moisten and place that in a ziploc and breathe hot lung air into the bag so it is like a balloon and zip it and back in the cupboard for 12 more hours. This process usually gets me a minimum 1/2" tail. Plant in the moist soil that was set to the side when germing. I place her in a dome at 80º F and 80% humidity for 2 weeks ish and do not water her.
This pic was taken the day I transplanted into her first container after the process above was followed. I haven’t lost a seed yet that had a tail and I haven’t lost a clone using this same process. The only adder is the rooting powder in the soil the clone is planted in.
Here is my clone off of the mature plant from the 2 week pic.
Yup…that is its forever home. I need a challenge and you can see she is extremely happy and is also in soil 1.5 years old.
I figured if it was between doing a Solo cup or something really challenging I went to the extreme side as the Solo Cup would be way to easy for me as you can see.
The strain…G13 Labs Sweet Amnesia.
@MrPeat Color me an impressed panda good sir and good luck. I love experiments. Ive learned so damn much in two years here its amazing haha
Some more information: I soak my seeds in neutral pH tap water until she pops and then place her in a 1/2" hole in soaked and drained Black Magic seed starter. The pot is covered and then placed on a warming mat 24 inches beneath a 600w full spectrum LED array. Grow room temps are 80° to 85°F which is a bit high but I have no way to cool things down. No grow tent - the light is set up in my closet. I know the soil is staying moist because at least one pot is growing a fine layer of mold on the soil surface.
Mold on the surface of the soil? That’s no bueno.
Do you have any air flow and stuff? Proper drainage for the medium containers?
Thank you for all the replies. I mispoke; the seedling mix I use is Black Gold and yes, I’ve used the same bag of soil for all my plants. I also used it to start some tomatoes and watermelons so I do not think the soil is at fault. The seeds all germinate without issue so it must be something that I’m doing. The mold I mentioned previously is very light- just a tint of green to the suface of the soil. I’m in Oregon so mold is not surprising. The pots all have excellent drainage and are domed, so there is no air circulation unless I lift the dome. That should not become an issue until they break surface, right?
@THCat you should be good!!
I plant seeds directly in peat cubes with zero germination. Several people plant seeds directly in soil. Germination isn’t strictly required at all.
After reading Storm’s reply it is apparent that I am being too impatient. I’ve been considering seeds a failure and tossing them if they failed to break ground within a week! Live and learn. I’m leaving them be this time. When they finally make an appearance I will post pictures.
Thanks again for all the advice.
After 8 days my Strawberry Cough finally broke the surface! Let’s see if I can keep from killing her. I’m wondering why it takes so long for a germinated seed to come up? I’m going to keep her domed for a few more days.
Well the important thing is she’s ALIVE!! Sometimes it just goes like that. But you have a baby girl! Now worship her lol!! Where’s the baby pics lol???!