Richard1-1 Beginning Grow Journal


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Here’s what I Have if the Pic came through Guys (n Gals)… PH and PPM Meters, thermometer (with other features)… The GH Trio and GH Ca/Mg… Wondering How I Start with the Correct plant Care? … @Jbum, @Killadruid, @imSICKkid… TIA


Fill this out and tell us everything you have or plan on doing.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA

Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA

Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco?
System type?

PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS

Indoor or Outdoor
Light system, size?

Temps; Day, Night

Humidity; Day, Night

Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,

Co2; Yes, No

Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but short, to the point questions and facts will help us help you


Looks like you did not let the picture down load before you posted.


Thanks, @imSICKkid @Bubblehead, Gonna try to get the Pic done right on here again, and the info next…

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I’m awake and having coffee so now is the time to chat haha



Make sure to fill out that little form. It will help me and others tremendously

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Have you started the germination process?

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What soil is that?

Some potting soil and lime (I mixed in) that was in an old pot… I wanna water till runoff and check PH and PPM of that??.. I have to go out here and work on this plow before it gets too hot 98° days recently … Sorry guys


At this stage they need very little water. Just ph the water and give it a few ounces along the outside of the pot. Watering to run off at this stage would be a bad thing. The cotyledon leaves have all the nutrients the plant needs. You do not have to think about feeding them until these leaves start to dry up. Just a little water now is all they need. Don’t love them too much as it could kill them.

Good luck with the plow and the heat.


Your gonna have to be a lot more descriptive when telling us what you have. Like what kind of potting soil are you using? There are a million out there, and some are terrible for cannabis and others are great. Whenever you get the chance, sit down and detail what all you have or need to know.


Before you put your plant in that soil I would pour plain water to runoff and testing pH and PPM. I would be very concerned about all of that lime raising the pH to high for a seedling to survive.


Awesome @Richard1-1 glad to see you got things going! Reach out if you need anything at all bro!

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@imSICKkid, I’ll go and get just what you suggest for the WW Fem… This one is just a test seed from a Bud that had very Few seeds in the bag… Keep in mind that I’m in a Small Southern town and being picky isn’t an option… Wal-Mart or Lowes (30 miles away) are My options… No Grow Stores anywhere Nearby


@Jbum … I’m Sorry I got your Shoes dirty steppin on your territory Pal… I’m Trying to figure this Out and You Guys ARE Awesome !! … Thanks @Jbum !!

Brother my shoes aren’t dirty! Definitely not cause of you lol. I’m just glad you got your own going so people can chime in and specifically help you! Again no worries on my end bro!!


Amazon will do better for you then driving 30 miles to a Walmart.

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