RH and Temp Question

Good Morning Everyone,

I received my seeds in the mail and I am getting ready to start my grow. Just doing a dry run to see baseline temps this is what I have…66% RH with a 24 hour low of 65% and a high of 78% (the high is before I had the exhaust running) and the temp is 73 with a 24 hour low of 68 and high of 73. I believe the temp is fine but the RH is a high. I have a grow room that is 32"x32"x63". I have a carbon filter and a 6" inline fan exhausting out of the top. Right now I am using a passive air intake with the rectangle intake vent open at the bottom to let air in.
If i add an intake fan will that decrease the humidity or is a de-humidifier a better bet?
2)Also, when I put my hand near the intake vent I can feel a slight breeze of air going into the tent because of negative pressure, will this flow of air be enough to strengthen the stems of the plants or should I also get a small clip on fan as well?

You guys are awesome!

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If they are seedlings the humidity is fine where its at


@Majiktoker Yes they will be seedlings, at what point will I have to bring the humidity down?

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Late veg early flower
During seedlings stage 50%-80% humidity
Veg 40%-60%
Flower 30%-40-45% tops
Hope this helps


and yes. get a small clip on fan to circulate more air.

I will not decrease humidity per day I may lower humidity in tent if grow room humidity is lower
But air flow will prevent mold in humid conditions mold forms when moisture is allowed to sit on a give place long enough time a warm moist environment
So it will help some if you use a intake fan but grow room or space tent is located should be maintained at a proper rh and temp
Allowing exhaust or intake fan to pull that air into tent
@Majiktoker & @Hogmaster both make good points Happy growing :cowboy_hat_face: :v: CB

Perfect. I haven’t used an active intake fan, just passive intake from the exhaust fan/filter. I’ll grab a couple clip on fans. In essence even if it’s humid in there, keeping the air moving will protect the plants?

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