I’m using ILGM Wedding Cake auto seeds and the first 5 seeds popped without a problem. I tossed them into a shot glass of room temp water and let them sit for a day then moved them to the wet towel method after they popped. Doing this I’ve had no problems with the first seedlings, however, my last 3 haven’t popped. I moved them to the paper towel hoping they germinate in there, but nothing.
Do I let them sit in the water until they pop, or do I assume these are just dead at his point?
I’m a small time grower, so I usually only toss one seed into the water at a time to see if it germinates. I’m not sure what was different this go around but they appear to not have popped.
I have one of those heating mats with the digital thermostat (the black/green one from amazon) but haven’t used it - I live in San Diego so the temp has been pretty steady still.
I toss individual seeds into a shot glass, cover it to avoid light, and let it sit on the counter. The ones that sprouted in the past I’d toss into a paper towel and then into a plastic bag to sit in my dresser for a day or two. Not sure what changed with the new set of seeds.
Do you think the heating mat will make a big difference? I wont cook the seeds in the water using one?
Hey @LilPenny , I am from San Diego myself. Tho I have moved to Missouri now I miss the weather and food.
A heating mat is probably not needed for sprouting in your case. After a 24 hr soak the germination process should be triggered and as long as you kept them in a moist environment they should crack. You can give them more time and sometimes you will get one to sprout that was just stubborn, but I have found that if they don’t sprout within a week then they probably just wont. As stated above you can ask for replacements. ILGM is great at replacing duds.
Also if the seeds crack after soaking there is no need to place in a paper towel. Just plant them and let them grow in the dirt. In fact I never use the towels. I soak for a day then plant them cracked or not. If they are going to grow then they will. I feel the more you mess with them the more chance of damaging them in the process.
Appreciate the advice. At this point in the outdoor season, I’m not sure if I’ll try to pop any more seeds unit Feb/Mar. I figure the light I’ll get wont be enough to produce much.
Hopefully Missouri is treating you well (I lived in KC for years). Dollar goes a lot further there, that’s for sure
Its been an adjustment for sure. I used to think going from Lemon Grove to El Cajon was a big deal. Now if I have to go to Springfield its a 35 mile drive and I think its no big deal.
KC has some great places to visit. My wife and I like to go down to O’Dowds on the Plaza and get Fish and Chips and a Guinness.
I do miss San Diego weather though.