i have a mature female plant (started from seed last feb. 2016). it started the flowering process (i think flowering) several weeks ago. it’s been on a 12/12 lighting schedule since then. . it has dozens of small (about diameter of a pencil eraser and about twice as long.) “clumps” of pistils at internodes and at the end of stems. they have been the whitish, opaque color but, are now turning amber and not developing into flowers or buds. someone suggested too much nitrogen so, i did some flushing. someone else commented that the plant will still need nutrients and suggested foliar fert. so, i’ve been misting with a mild solution of 7-12-12 fert.
am i being impatient or is there something wrong. i’m a first time grower. i have successfully grown and harvested another plant - - now in curing process. that plant was started at same time as subject plant and i don;t recall the same situation with this harvested plant as described with subject plant.
also, can one use the dry/curing process with marijuana leaves and get a smoke that provides a buzz. thanks, z

@MacGyverStoner @latewood @Hammer can you guys help him out something looks not right. @zonindallas fill out a trouble ticket so these guys have more info
Okay so what I think happened here is it started putting out a few white pistils and then you change to 12:12 is that correct?
If that’s correct then it’s only been in flowering since you changed it to 12:12 so you’re going to need some patience
… the Leaf curls a bit odd, I have a super cheese looks just like that and the mother did too, so that’s either in your strain or somethings up, can you give us other pictures
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Wow! You had a healthy plant that looked like that? My first thought was severe dehydration.
Weirdest thing ! I have 4 of them but they’ve got that leaf spot fungus real bad too, the others not really much, they’re doing pretty good in fact tonight is neem oil spray when the lights go off
Their beautiful short bushy heavy yielding plants, and they’re damn good smoke!
… ilgm has a cheese too I think, def something that’s going to be on my grow list when I get the fungus cleaned out and start again!
Sorry to o/p for hijacking thread
Hey Bro,
You need to fill out a “Support Ticket”. it is located at top of forum (pinned)
Copy/paste that into a post and fill it out best you can.
Looks like a nutrient Lock to me. Possibly caused by PH that is way off, or too strong of a nutrient solution. Can’t tell for sure until you tell us what you did in a support ticket. 
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Here is your Support ticket my friend I’m going to get some info on this but I’m leaning toward what @FloridaSon said.
Here is a pic of what’s going on and it’s one of two things and only you can tell us…OK
Over watering
Over watering is one of the biggest mistakes new growers make, reason for this is, because they feel the need to give there plant everything and will overdue a lot of things and one of them is over watering. By over watering your plant you soak the roots so much, they can’t get enough oxygen and slowly die. The plant shows signs of over watering by: Wilting, droopy look, yellow and or dead leaves falling off, which includes leaves that don’t look dead falling off. One of the best ways to tell how NOT to over water is by, picking up the pot when it is dry and then picking up the pot after you water. (This is a reason why it’s smart to use light pots.) When you water, you want to water just enough to where you see a bit of water coming out of the bottom, not gushing or pouring out. Just enough to see a little bit, then you know the plant has enough water. To prevent over watering you can either: add more perlite to your soil, add hydrogen peroxide to your water for extra oxygen, all the while killing bacteria if any in the soil. After watering, wait a few days to water. Mj plants like a good watering and then a couple days to dry out in between watering. So it’s very easy to over water. Besides the weight of the pot, another way to test if your plant needs water is to stick your index finger a couple inches into the soil. If the soil at the tip of your finger feels almost dry, then it’s time to water again. The top of the soil should be allowed to dry out between waterings if it’s still moist the plant does NOT need watered. You can also use a moisture meter which will tell you the level of moisture down in the soil. You can buy them at most garden supplies or hydro shops.
Here is a picture of what over watering looks like:
This shows a comparison of underwatering and overwatering of plants.
Overwatering of your plants and thus nitrogen is not being absorbed due to soggy soil.
Under Watering
Under watering can show the exact same symptoms as over watering can, they show the droopiness along with the top soil being hard. To avoid this make sure every other other watering you give your plants a good watering, like use a bit more water then you normally do, because sometimes your plants will need a good quenching once in a while. So doing this will help the bottom roots and root hairs get enough water to produce newer growth. For new growers they tend to do both over watering and under watering.
More over watering then anything else, they tend to be to “generous”, and then you have ones that are to afraid to water them to much and then they get the under watering symptom. Under watering seems to droop more than over watering does, the fan leaves will droop closer to the stalk and won’t be as yellow as over watering looks like, under watering looks like this picture below, only way to stop under watering is to water when the pot feels lite. Make sure few drips of water come out at the bottom of the holes, that way you know the plant has enough water.
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Some strange looking stuff there
I know but that’s what over and or underwatering looks like.
Look at his first pic then look at the one I posted
Look the same ?
Well my leaves… the few leaves left look kind of sativa-like like that but they’re not curled like that, garrigan says it’s something to do with watering, but I thought it looked like it might be overamped like lakewood suggested above?
Possibly caused by PH that is way off, or too strong of a nutrient solution
Either way, I’m sure a support ticket would help as was suggested
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The 1st pik plants are over fertilized. Nutrient toxicity Nutrint lock. Nitrogen mobile.