Repotted and Is this mould? Help / advice please

Hi Growmees

I repotted yesterday and noticed what looks like mould on the top of the soil today. How do.i get rid and stop it. Can I just mix it in and add more top soil?

Also i watered the transplant soil with unsulfered mollasses the day before transplanting…

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A light spray of diluted hydrogen peroxide will get rid of it. Only mist the surface though, as too much peroxide will kill the beneficial bacteria in your soil.


Yes thats mold. Id clean off that top layer and pitch it. That happens when your soil is too moist from not allowing the top layer dry before watering again. When i water i feel the pot weight by lifting before and after everytime and water to runoff. Usually that gives me a 2-3 day period before i need to water again


Thanks for that ppl. I will scrape it off, spray diluted h202 and put aome dry soil.


That is organic soil and that lets you know theres life in your soil and is great for your plants if your going organic


Let it dry out after the peroxide spray. The soil is too wet is what’s causing that to happen. Being wet and the light beating in it and the heat causes that. After u spray get a small fan on low blowing around the bottoms of the pots as well as one moving the air across the tops. Air movement will help keep that away after it’s treated and gone.

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I did watch a movie on Fridaungi and it was an awesome documentary. All that white is really good for plants and trees. If more trees in the area that nycellum I believe it was called the white stuff grows along everywhere and trees and plants use that to communicate with one another. If one is lacking a nutrient it lets the mother tree know and she releases the nutrients needed to the baby ect. Fits a crazy watch. It was called fantastic fungi on netflix

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Yes im 100% organic and when i prepare my soil i let it cook for About. Week or 2 till i see some white fuzzy mold it lets me know my soil has life and is ready to start using and build a soil uses the same method to tell when soil is ready

Yeah trying grow organic. Thanks for the knowledge. First time so learning alot as go. The fungi film sounds very Avatar too :facepunch:t4::sunglasses:

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Well im following along ill help if i can if you need me tag me and ill be here

Do i need to worry about the lower leaf yellowing? Is it nute burn or lack of nutes? Lightly fed on last watering …


@Mark0427 @Treasurestoy @BigCat420 @MidwestGuy Is this nitrogen deficiency? Think im gonna feed full dose next watering…


I don’t think nitrogen def. Just that bottom leaves r normal to go yellow usually not this soon but it can happen. All the rest of the plant appears to be okay. Take the yellow leaves off to make it look pretty. Auto or photo again first tho lol. It won’t hurt to leave them as long as they don’t die and get moldy to cause issues.


They are the first leaves yh. Photo. And thanks i’ll take them off…


Yes thats normal cause they dont really get the light needed to grow under there mine always turn yellow at the bottom. A couple leaves anyways.

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Your first bottom leaves as well as any that touch soil well yellow. I always trim them off.
I like to mist my soil with raw honey. (Has to be raw the other is pasteurized). Honey has a antibacterial affect. Which won’t allow fungus Among Us. plus it works as a rooting hormone it can also be lightly misted on the leaves. A good ratio would be 1 tablespoon to a quart of water. I’ve done this with all kinds of plants over the years. Plus I’ve been keeping bees (several dozen hives) as long as I’ve been farming and ranching. (Over 50 years)
Also when you repot it’s a good idea to make sure your soil is not hydrophobic. This happens when it sits for a while weather in a pot or a bag if it’s allowed to dry out a lot of microbes within the soil die and that makes it kind of waxy and hydrophobic. So you should always pre-soak your soil a day or two before planting. If you notice water running off and not penetrating the soil just keep misting and mix it in. I use a skewer stick start by poking several small holes through the top of the soil before adding water. Then after a while I mix it up some.

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Thanks for the feedback. Those leaves have touched the soil. The microbes just go dormant and come back don’t they? I will presoak the transplant with mollases …

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You’re certainly welcome.
Yes the microbes do come back. To an extent it depends on what type of organic matter it started with. But a better way to look at it is they’re not really dead just dormant. Molasses is another good trick. I used to buy molasses in 55 gallon drums to make my own Sweet Feed for the cattle and horses. Then it became cheaper and easier just to buy sweet feed. The way things are going now though feeds getting expensive. But I still have my beehives averaging 1000 – 1500 gallons a year.
By the way raw honey is available most places. Even in the grocery store. But certainly most feed stores. A lot of us will filter it but we won’t heat it. It’s just processed honey that is pasteurized with heat kills a lot of the nutrients.