Ready or not ? Are my plants ready or give them two more week?

Just looking to get some opinions on my auto super lemon Haze strain wanted to know you guys think of this and how long I should wait before I harvest

@HMGRWN @dbrn32


Can’t see the trichomes, but the buds look like they got a ways to go based on the pistils.


You have a few weeks to go. How many weeks has the plant been flowering?


Maybe six


You have 2 to 4 weeks to go yet.

Start looking at the trichomes when those white pistils have browned and receded back into the flowers.


Agreed, need a little more time.

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I asked on another thread and got no love. So how long do I have?
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I’m thinking about 5 days? Any thoughts


What strain is it how long has it been flowering

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This is about ready to harvest my friend, nice job! If rest of plant looks like pictures you can take her whenever is most convenient.


She’s Durban Poison. Pure sativa. End of 8 weeks.


That was one of the mid height buds! Awesome

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I agree with @dbrn32 the trichomes are getting brownish I’m trying to get a hazy milk for potency so I’m going to be watching mine like a hawk


Full tent view. Time to trim fan leaves. Will chop tomorrow. Wife hates the smell!


I was watching a YouTube video of this guys who says to stop tying your buds up. He let’s them flop over. His reasoning is mothe nature designed them to be top heavy so they flop over so the lower buds can get light. Idk, but I let mine gently lean out the way and lightly supported them. I can see tge logic as the second teir did receive better light but the upper buds lied over the other buds on the outskirts. I was worried about bud rot.

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Nature also takes place under the sun and outdoor plants grow much stouter and woodier than indoor plants. You don’t see this happen outside. Tie them up to keep them under control.

And light does not need to actually hit something to make it grow. Leaves produce food that moves through the plant for growth. A bud will grow without full on light. Lots of plants produce their fruit under the dirt. No light there but things still grow.


Well I haven’t had that luxury :sweat_smile:. One day my state will come to reality. I kept them partially supported. They leaned just enough. Also didn’t let tgem fall over till week 7!

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I figured I would experiment this time around and entertain some other folks pet peeves. Just having fun!

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That’s not my plant, just found a pic that showed a healthy plant that did not flop.
We can grow outside here in Missouri, but I live in town and I don’t think I could avoid theft if I grew some outside.

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Lmao, I think you’re right.

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Definitely chopping tomorrow. LLight trim of the fan leaves today. Into the bowl for wet trim tomorrow! 3 strains Runtz, Gold Leaf, and Durban Poison all finished together!!