Question on drying and jarring

So I’m at about 7 days of drying. Outside of buds are slightly crispy to touch but the stems don’t “snap” as I’ve seen mentioned. If I have to go away for a coupe days is it best to just give them a couple more days or jar now and not be able to burp the jar for two days. Temps in drying area about 74 degrees, 60% humidity (I know not ideal but its the best I could do given the crazy heat wave we’re in). Any quick replies would be appreciated. Thanks

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Personally if I had a choice of going 9 days hanging or jarring up and being gone. I think it’s important on the front end to burp the jars so you don’t get mold. I would leave hanging two more days.


It’s better to have them be a little moist than a little dry. It sounds like you are probably real close. Take 3-4 stems about 6-8 inches long, stick them in a jar with a hygrometer and check to see what the humidity is after 24 hours. If they are close to your ideal moisture, get them all jarred. If not, leave them hanging and test another set of stems in 24 hours.
Not being able to burp them for 2 days is no big deal… unless they are really wet.


Yeah I won’t be here to burp. that’s the problem

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Thanks for the reply. Leaving so can’t do the 24 hr check you suggested. Its Tuesday now, I’ll be back Thursday afternoon.

If you end up needing to rehydrate them, here is the method (I’ve tried almost all of them) I’ve settled on as what works best for me and my product.

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What about putting them in a paper bag does that help them dry. Idk some random says he put them in a paper bag before jaring

There are several alternatives to the old standard method of drying your buds. The paper bag method is used by some, as is hanging them from dowel rods that have been pierced through a cardboard box. These two methods can be handy in a situation where you can’t get the humidity high enough in your closet or drying tent, because you create a much smaller space, and this much less volume of air.

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I have mine hanging in string I ran through a extra large cardboard moving box from Home Depot lol

Just wanted to update those who took the time to answer. 9 day dry was just fine. Soon as I got home I dry trimmed and jarred them up. Unfortunately one plant completely seeded itself I have no idea how. Faulty genetics I think bc a couple friends each had one of theirs do the same thing. Even with all the problems I had this go around it still looks pretty nice and very stony.

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Took your advice. Check the pics.

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Very nice buds ! Glad it turned out good. Hopefully it has a nice smell an aroma. Sometimes if you don’t get a slow 8 to 10 day drying. weed can smells and tastes like hay.

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no its pretty nice. Not very hay like at all. It was a nine day dry after all.

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