Question about recovery of order number

I created this thread on behalf of @DHANGCK to help a new forum member who would like to join future BOM contests but can’t locate the order number. @moderators please? Thanks in advance.

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By chance did he create an account when he ordered the seeds? If you sign in if you click orders it shows all order numbers from past orders.


Thanks bud :joy::rofl::joy: I’ve been trying to figure out how to post this whole time :rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

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Thank you for the quick response. I had no idea that was there either.

No problem, glad to be of some assistance. You are very limited initially at basic trust level. I don’t remember if creating threads is one of the things you can’t do yet.

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You should be good to go there. Found it.

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I don’t know about that. I saw his/her question in the june BOM thread amongst the congratulatory posts and decided that I wanted to try to help a new member out. I’m correct in thinking that screenshot is the main site not the forum?

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Yes it’s on the main site. If he didn’t create an account I would assume the only other option would be going through emails to find the confirmation number for that order. Hope he gets things sorted out.


Thanks again for the help. I kept my emails in the important folder until I used all the seeds but initially was just keeping it in case before receiving the order. There’s no way to know it’s going to be needed beyond that point for a new user aside from no germ guarantee so it’s totally understandable that some people might lose track of their #.


@Ed43758 thank you for your input. I started this thread to separate the question from the conversation since it was taking over the congratulatory posts for @plumbdand s well deserved bud of the month win. It’s kinda the preferred etiquette here to avoid posting unrelated comments or questions in threads (usually referred to as “thread jumping “). The purpose is just to keep the discussion on topic and keep the OP from having to scroll through unrelated posts to get to posts relevant to the original topic. I ticked off the first/last person I tried to pass this knowledge onto so please believe me, I am not finger wagging at you by any means. It’s just to keep the forum easier to use and follow for all members. Again thanks for the input as the question of how to decipher the packaging code comes up from time to time.


Still learning how to post was the only one I can get it direct answer from I still can’t figure out how to message the moderator directly not very good with this chat room stuff but definitely enjoy the conversations


Putting the @ symbol in front of any forum members name tags them with a notification. If you know the name of any of the mods it works the same way.