Please update on order status

Hello Stacey, I would really like to find out some info about our order. The money was removed almost immediately.

Here is the order #2143364

Thank you,

I have moved your post to its own topic for greater visibility. @ILGM.Sharon can maybe help you, but best course of action is for you to email customer service through the seed shop.

Thank you very much. I should have come here and followed up. I emailed costumer service. I received an email within the hour (on a Saturday), kindly telling me to check my spam followed by a tracking#. We made the original order using my wife’s phone and sure enough, all was well. The seeds were delivered a few hours later. Nice.

I have to say that I feel like I have been waiting to grow these plants for 35 years. I am beyond thrilled. So is my wife, who is really the green thumb in this operation. Furthermore, this forum instantly felt welcoming. I’ve been reading through the post and looking at pictures. Seems like a great community. I look forward to sharing our season with you all. :peace_symbol::heart_decoration:


Awesome news! Hope they turn out to be awesome plants for you.

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