Did I do to much pruning ? Here’s a after and before Puc help this noob
It looks to me you did fine. Opened her up for air movement to happen.
What strain? Growing environment? Soil or coco?? Nutes? Age?
I second that, look fine to me. Just give some time to recover before anymore trimming.
Indoor grow tent . Advance nutes . Week 5 in veg. 18-6hr .
Perfect. Was freaking out after I went ham on the trim I felt like they weren’t getting enough light with the big fan leaves covering the bottom nodes
I wouldn’t worry about that stuff right now. At this point you could do nothing and some of your bottom leaves would start to die off from not getting any light, or strip the tops like you did and get more light to lower leaves. Either way you end up missing some leaves. As mentioned it looked pretty dense so at least you improved possibility of airflow around the plant.
Once she starts producing flower sites it will be a little more critical to watch for leaves to remove. There are several different outlooks here that can all be successful, but main idea is to keep as much light as possible to your colas. You want to balance this with not constantly doing a lot of cutting on your plants. Some will do a major strip after transition to flower and maybe again in preparation for harvest, and others will be more selective plucking a leaf or two here and therr throughout the grow.
I appreciate it thank you. First grow and it’s been a struggle with failed seeds already this is the only girl that grew and showing some talent.
No worries, you’ll get better all of it if you stick with it.
Looks good fam try not to be to hard on ur self ur doing great
Agree with the others. In 10 days she will be so thick she needs another haircut. I’ve trimmed my aggressive growers in a similar way.
I’m out of likes. So to you all.
I tried to identify where she has been topped.
I know I missed some. Did you top all branches? How many nodes tall is she?
It is hard for the bottom most branches to compete with the growth above it. I always remove the first set. Beyond that it depends on what I want to end up with.
How many colas are you shooting for?
Keep it spread out and don’t keep much secondary growth. It will get very crowded fast.
I did some topping. Just not sure if I should calm down lol
Did some trimming myself today
Pics are looking up through canopies
Filled a 7gal bucket with inner grouth
8 nodes if I’m getting it correct . So from main branch two going up to about 8 branches
The consequence of topping multiple times is the plant needs more time to recover from each wound. In addition to more time the plant needs to grow larger to grow colas that would be comparable in size to a plant that was not topped as often. If time and growth is withheld you end up with a lot of small flowers. Trimming a lot of small buds is a PIA.
This is an Afghan I am growing right now.
The diagram may explain it better
This is four days later. Time to let it grow and prune to maintain 12 colas
how old?
tent dimensions or amount of space available for one plant