Probably All Die But

Ok, so I probably killed them before they could even get started, and since the last 3 I put into water, then a PT, and then just into the CoCo never germinated, these are my last seeds from ILGM Bank or any other really. I sure do wish those others had germed for me. I always do it the same way and the Photos have always been alright til now. Anywhooo…

On to what I did to these. So I had them in the peroxide water for a day and so as to not drown them I transferred them to a wet PT. My heating pad stopped working so I put them about 10’ from this gas wall heater in my basement. It was only on low and the PT was inside a tupperware butter dish inside of a well soaked rag of old sweat pants. None of that mattered the next morning when I went down to check them. They had indeed sprouted and were all dried up. They were for all intents and purposes dead. But me being me wasn’t going to give up, so I put them into the CoCo I had prepared. Upside down! Realized that in the evening and turned them around. All but 1 which was right side up but looked wrong side up. That one was wrong side up until this morning when I realized what I’d done. That one will surely die. Another also. 2 of them came back but are very small and dark green, even for 3 day old seedlings.

So…My question is this…If the 2 and maybe 3 do survive the abuse I’ve put on them, would they be worthy of spending the effort, time, and money on to see them through? Or are they going to be so stressed out that they are severely stunted?



Ah yeah…I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever it may be that you and yours celebrate this time of year, if anything.


That depends…If they are photo period, they have a great chance of being good producers. If they are autos, then you have much smaller window for the plants to recover.


Hey there @ShureGreen Glad to see your wheels rolling again. Sorry you’re getting off to a rough start.

I have yet to pull the plug on any of my seedlings so far. I’ve put a few of them through some rough beginnings, maybe not quite as rough as what you’ve described here, but rough still the same and I’ve been glad at harvest that I kept them. Pulled one clean out of the dirt on day 3 once and although it was certainly stunted throughout its life, she still gave me a couple ounces so I wasn’t complaining.

Good luck and happy growing. :v: :mx_claus: :santa: :mrs_claus:

NOTE: Mine were photos


@merlin44 Thanks. They are Photos. 2 Super Lemon Haze and 2 Agent Orange. I’ve messed up before, but this was my 1st big one. Most problems come from things out of my control.


@d-Jawz Hey thanks for the connection there. I am hopeful. Jut so much says they are so tender, etc, while other sites are always, as ong as you have time left for them to recover. I think since they really did come back from the dead, I mean they ere Driiiiiied out, that they are fighters. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Yes. I continue to be amazed at the veracity and toughness of these fascinating plants. I planted one, kept the soil lightly damp, but never broke ground. Got distracted before I had a chance to drop another seed. When it sprouted a tail, I went to put it in the same pot and I’ll be damned, the first seedling was peaking out of the soil. Almost missed it. After 10 days - wow. I’d let the soil surface dry out too.

As I read your opening post, I certainly thought your seedlings were toast. I was pleasantly surprised when you said you thought 2 would survive. If it were me and all other “life factors” favored it, I’d have to give them a fighting chance and nurse them to health and harvest. But that’s me.


I totally agree with you. I just wanted to be sure there is some hope for them. I will see them through-good or bad.

I used to try to grow outside on my deck. I don’t get a whole lot of sun where I’m at and the 1 time I had a harvest, the ex inlaws decided to call saying they were coming the next day. This was a day after I had hung them to dry. I don’t have anywhere to put them where they wouldn’t be seen so I mixed them all up into paper bags . Man did they smell good when I out them in. Not so much when I went back to them 2 days later. Straight up home grown trash, they were. Anyways, I got off track. My seeds were random. One here and there from my smoke. I had a binch of those little white ones that I threw into an old trash can outside. 2 years later when the soring thaw came around, within a month those little white seeds had sprouted up out of about 20" of nasty water! I was amazed. Idk what to do with them so they would up dying, but that was the coolest as far as I was concerned.


I had one that I didn’t think would make it. Stunted for about a month. But once it got its footing it took off like a champ! Got about 3/4 lb off of it!


Things happen thats how we learn sometimes.
I would drop more seeds and continue to nurture the ones that are coming along. As in fishing cull out the bad ones if your state requires a limited plant count. Time is a determining factor in our lives its up to you.
If I want to stay legal I can have 4 plants so I soak 6 seeds and wait to cull out the problem children. I ask around if anybody is interested if not make a decision. I am a old guy I have played with stunted seeds in the past and pushed them thru when seeds were expensive but now they have dropped, its what you have time for.
Grow on brother enjoy the hobby!


Thanks you guys. I am going to continue with these. And keep my fingers crossed.

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Your perseverance is to be commended. I have enjoyed reading your adventures. I am so sorry about the rain water tub flood. I am glad you have some plants that are making it now. Keep it up.

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@noddykitty1 PfftN perseverance I don’t know about. Lol! More of my saying I’d try til I was out of seeds and if not successful I’ll sell it all out. These are my last Photo Seeds. I have some Autos but have had 0 luck from any of those. I just really wanted it to be successful and become something I could do forever. I get paid for being a nut but it sure would be nice to not have to pay for my weed. The power bill was killing me so I put these in my small 4x2 tent with a much smaller light. It doesn’t seem to get hot like the ViViSun did. Idk if that’s a good or a bad thing. Gotta be better on the AEP bill though. So yeah, this is it for me. Fingers and toes crossed that it does well.

@noddykitty1 That water was definitely a gigantic mess. Could have been much worse though. I’ve since built another wagon type thing out of some scrap wood I had and some old casters. (I never throw anyway away). It is much more sturdy than the plastic one they were on.

Ok y’all… Here’s where I’m at with this… I’ve attached photos so you can see. They all actually seem like they may survive me after all. Even the one that was upside-down for 2 days (bottom right). When I went in this evening the temp was at 78°f and Rh at 54%. I did have bags over them for a couple of days. Idk if the Rh is good or if I should put the bags back on. They’d not be 100% closed now due to the watering valves attached, but I could get them close.

According to my meter, the light on at 5% is producing about 300 PPFD. Is that what I mean to say? 300umohls of PPFD? :person_shrugging: That is at 5" above the cups.

My meter for EC and pH reads in mS/cm and I’m watering in at 6.1pH/.55EC. Good? Bad? That will be until the next stage, I think.

I think that’s all for now. But yeah! They seem to be ok! Yay Us!


Yay! Hopefully they’re tough little things.


Is that coco soil?


Yes. I wanted to do all perlite but I chickened out.

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Im in 100% coco. My understanding is the pH needs to be between 5.2-5.8. I stay at the top of that range. Also make sure you keep them moist. The coco will dry out quick. It needs to stay pretty damp the entire grow.


I think we can raise pH around 6.0 during flower?

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