Ppm adjustment explanation please

So I appreciate everybody’s help with all the questions I’ve had lately. I’m starting my first indoor grow my outdoor grow went pretty good so far this year. I’m installing an RO water system this weekend because I’m on a well with hard water. I have the whole pH thing down but I’m going to order a TDS pen and start with a fresh clean container of water. I understand adding nutrients but how do I adjust to get the PPM Within the scale designated on the fox farm chart. I’m just using that as a reference. Any suggestions and numbers for each stage would be great. Thank you

I think that scale is for the whole line up on the feeding schedule. Not just the trio.


I use the ff trio. For 3 grows now. I mix it per the chart. I feed water every other watering. So feed, water, feed, water,ect.
I use the calmag also.

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Thank you for your responses but the question I am asking is how do I know how much nutrients to put in to achieve a certain PPM. And how much of that nutrient water with the designated or desired PPM do I give to my plants. Also if the PPM ends up being too high how do I adjust that down or up for that matter

There’s no formula for this. Shoot for 1,000 PPM runoff. It gets easier achieving it with experience. In the mean time, do the best you can. It’s not that big of a deal if you overshoot or undershoot by a few hundred PPM.

If it’s low, then feed more. If it’s high, then skip a feeding or 2. You will get a feel for it over time.


I thought that I am measuring the PPM of the water with nutrients that I’m giving them. I still have not wrapped my mind around the runoff yet



I think I understand your question. He’s what I do……

I mix 5 gallon at a time (same process with 1 gallon etc). I put approximately 4 gallon (guess) in my bucket. Mix my nutrients for “5” gallons and put in the water. Of course make sure it’s well mixed

Then, take my pen and check the PPM. I shoot for a target between 1,000 and 1,100. If my solution reading is over my selected range, then I add more water to bring it down. Retest and keep adjusting with more water (a little at a time) till you get the right PPM.

I’ve done it enough now that I know how much water to start with and I do my nutrients the same. I always test afterwards but it always comes out within range.

I hope this helps if this addresses your question.

If you are confused on runoff PPM, I’d suggest googling runoff PPM etc. lots of articles. Also lots on this forum and if you use the search feature and search the topic you’ll get a better understanding.


You can mix 2x strength everything, in one gallon, and use another gallon or two of plain RO to add until you hit your target ppm

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For seedlings and clones, 300 to 600 ppm
Vegging 800 to 900
Flowering 1000 to 1150.

If you mixed a gal of nutes as directed and ppm are above target range, dilute with correct Ph ed water as mentioned above to achieve desired strength.

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RO can be expensive and hard water typically means minerals in it which are nutrients. The well water could be fine is all im suggesting, especially if you’re growing in soil.
RO is really only needed if the water isn’t safe for human consumption or if growing in water only hydroponics.

While ppm numbers can be very useful sometimes, try not to get hung up to much on them as far as what they are exactly because they can vary but just a rough estimate of what to kinda expect is something like.
Seedlings 100-300ppm
Early veg 200-400ppm
Mid veg 300-600ppm
Late veg 400-1000ppm
Flower 500-1000+ppm

Basically you dont try to target a ppm, you just add the amount of product it sats for each stage into the amount of water it says. Don’t worry about if it matches what the chart says :wink: I’ve no idea if it will or not and I’ve used FF trio and i have a chart :sweat_smile: I’ve never paid attention if it matched :man_shrugging:.

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I don’t know if it’s wrong to do so….but I mix my Jacks 321 the same at every stage. Seedling all the way through flower to 1,000 - 1,100. Haven’t had a problem yet.