Powdery mildew? how to treat?

Hey there,
i have been lazy with these… is this powdery mildew?
how can i treat safely, and will it effect my bud?
i have constant fan going and it’s only about 30 percent humidity


Tagging a Grow Bro to help @Carpenter. Post some pics :love_you_gesture:


Does it wipe off? You can use a 50/50 mix of water and hydrogen peroxide and spray them before lights out


yes it whiles off
and that’s exactly what i have done
while it wells to work for a bit,
it comes back
i have been using 3% hydrogen peroxide diluted 50/50


You’ll have to keep it for a while. How is your humidity in the tent, do you have fans in there to keep air moving. Just some things off the top of head

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Yep, keep spraying! I have to do mine again soon, starting to come back. Just remember to do a bud wash when you harvest. If I’ve been fighting WPM, I’ll wash in 2 cups peroxide to a 5gallon bucket.

Last time I sprayed with milk/water mix. It too works, but does leave a whitish residue on the leaves.


30 % humidity and fans running constantly


Ok like @Spudgunner said just keep spraying and do a bud wash when yo harvest.


what does a bud wash consist of?

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Dunking the entire harvest into water, rinse & repeat, then hang or blow dry. I have never had to do this, and think if I ever run into WPM, I will just not risk it and trash’em.

If i have WPM and need to do a bud wash at harvest, I will wet trim al the fan leaves and stuff off the plant first. Yeah, shortens the dry time, but I’d rather get rid of as much WPM as I can before washing. Anyways, 2 5-gallon buckets, one filled with cool water only for rinsing, other with water and 2 cups hydrogen peroxide (many people wash all their plants regardless and use 1 cup, but with WPM, better to use 2!). Submerge your plant (or branches at a time if they are huge) in the peroxide water, swill gently for a few minutes (5 or so), then let them drip a bit, then into the rinse bucket and swill for a few. Let them drain, hang them from the shower rod if you have a spare bathroom (that’s where I USED to dry until son moved back!). You can put a small fan on them until they are dry, but not strong fan, you don’t want to fast dry your buds.
@JayDawg if you ever get WPM, try either the peroxide spray 50/50 or milk/water 20/80 ratio at lights out. It does work and saves your harvest! If you still don’t want to smoke it, use it for concentrates!


@Spudgunner has got you going down the right path.

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Only because it’s a path I’ve trodden down a few times! Have to spray mine in the tent, and my new clones are showing a touch of it. Tomorrow morning around 10:30 I’ll spray with H2O2 and water, lights out around 11! Not too worried about burning the clones, fluorescent lights don’t seem to burn the wet leaves.

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Thanks a bunch.
next grow i am going to scrub my tent prior
thank you!


I use 35% Hydrogen Peroxide.

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A little late to the party but I have recently had a bad problem with WPM
With growbros and sisters I was able to get it under control. When you do a bud wash, use a quarter cup lemon juice and a quarter cup baking soda per 5 gallon bucket your first wash this will kill the powdery mildew, second wash 1/4-3/8 cup peroxide to a 5 gallon bucket.
Third wash just rinse with water. Hang and put a fan on it until it’s not “wet” anymore
Then to the dry room or hanging rack or whatever your choice to dry.
I use a WeDryer now :v:
Some pics before GrowSafe was introduced into my life

After the bud wash and several treatments, this is what it looks like now in my hand after a few days of drying

Some will be culled!
Stil some signs of WPM

Will be doing another treatment Tomorrow
If it comes back I’m gonna cut my losses literally :joy:
Hope this helps somebody


These plants inside or out? If you are close to harvest a bud wash short of that a product like green cleaner should be used every 4 days on outside plants.

You may need to filter your intake if you are getting PM indoors, any clones should be dipped before placing them indoors.

PM seems to get on some strains like skunk no matter what u do outdoors. If it keeps being an issue indoors then change strains.

Best advice I can give is don’t just spray the plant with HP. Wipe each leaf, stem and stalk with it.

thank you! my last harvest was veg outside and flowered inside… which led to all kinds of problems for me i didn’t have prior… spider mites, mold, and seeds damn it… but i do have a lot of seeds…

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