Powdery Mildew? Help!

G,day all.
3weeks into my first Indoor grow.
Have some big bud, Bruce Banner Amnesia haze.
Got some white spotting on all leaves, thinking powdery mildew. Sprayed with milk water 40/60. Any ideas ?


Hello again.
Just researching grow issues found a photo of the same issue.
Spider Mites?
Also possibly an issue with the two tone big bud. Never seen this distinct yellow pattern as an outdoor grower.
Using coco medium, bites are BAC organic grow. Feeding larger girls at 25% smaller girls are just on water.
Hoping someone gets back soon, don’t want to lose these first ones.
Thanks to all.

That’s nutes. :v:
Lighting is ViparSpectra P4000 LED Grow Light - Pro Series
Thanks again

Maybe one of the experts on here can help, I’m new. I do know that I had that exact same half green half yellow on my Blue Dream this go but it didn’t seems to affect the plant at all. But it looks like you have a few just yellow though which is probably something different. Can you see any bugs using a loupe? @Covertgrower @Myfriendis410

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You should be able see bugs with that.


Hey there folks,
Thanks so much for the tips… Yep last night found 1 green leaf hopper, haven’t got a loupe yet will get one today and some Neen oil and try to move the little buggers.
Thanks again to all.

Hey covert, this is my first indoor grow, using medium I have no idea how to get the best out of it. Seeing my babes suffering is no fun.
Will get a loupe today and seems neem oil is a good place to start.
Best place to post for this type of issue?
Thank to all.

Neem oil is mostly related to pests. Hydrogen peroxide will work best for wpm.


Is it PWM or Bugs?
If it’s PMW will spray with your suggestion 15 mins prior to lights out.
Cheers bro

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Hydrogen peroxide works for both white powered mold and bugs. Yes definitely right before lights out.


Will treat tonight.
Ph just checked, all pots at 7-7.1
Got some trace elements cal mag, will apply tonight, watch the water and keep you posted.
Thanks for taking the time.

What’s the best dilution of the peroxide solution?

Your plants are very young you need to be real careful. There is a hydrogen Flush that you can do but you got to be careful it takes away all the bacteria good in bad. It will do some funky stuff to the soil like form Up.

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There are videos you can pull up on YouTube I can’t remember how much I use but I got to tell you it was scary and my plants were grown

Basically a little soap and some water is really all you should be using It works very good. There’s videos for that also dr earth has a Insect spray that works real well it’s all natural but you got to be careful it will still burn a little bit

I was able to get rid of WPM just buy using warm water and paper towels and wiping down all the leaves really well . I had a good amount of wpm and it got rid of it .


Are you checking that with a pH pen or a soil probe? If soil probe, that number is useless. If pH pen, you’re a little high. You want to be in the 6.5-6.8 range for soil.

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Cheers for the heads up folks.
Hemp cheers for the info
Will hit the buggers with mild soapy water and see how we go. If no good I will mist with peroxide 3%, not sure on dilution thinking 10ml per litre

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ADA, thanks for the info on meters.
Yep using a probe. Showing 7-7.1.
You say they are useless?
Can I assume the PH is a little higher given the use If the probe?

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One thing I do with water is. I try and let my water air rate. At least let stand for 48h before I use the water. I’ll do 30gallon of water at a time. If you is tap water try not to get water early in the morning and on Sunday especially. I don’t check my ph. But it can and will hurt your growth if not careful. And if we use cheap dirt don’t keep it in the house and you can treat that dirt also with Boiling hot water. It’ll kill anything plus it gives that dirt flush. I Always add a little bit of hydrogen Peroxide to my water when feeding. Also there you need to be careful.Not too much

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