Powder mildew during flowering

I need some advice.
I have a plant that is very prone to mildew. Its flowering but 4 weeks from ready. Every day theres many more spots. I tried manually wiping leaves with potassium, and sodium bicarb with bronners detergent, even mouth wash.
Now i have just resorted to removing the leaves., and its now showing up on sugar leaves.

I hope you can help or its a verycearly chop, wash and alot of edibles.

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Use a 50/50 water/hydrogen peroxide solution. Safe and very effective.

Outdoor plant? Increasing airflow can help if you can.

Here’s a good video on the consequences of harvesting early on %THC. Based on testing, THC peak potential is only at 58% at week 6 of flower.


Good air flow is going to be the plant’s best friend. Hydrogen peroxide and water 50/50 mixed Spray bottle and mist affected leafs.

Whats the starting concentration of peroxide?
I will definately give this a try. Will this affect bud flavor?

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3% You can buy at walmart @Archer21

People generally use 3%

It won’t affect flavor. Peroxide isn’t a solvent to trichomes and peroxide breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen very quickly when exposed to light and air.

I recently had the same issue, i defoliated what i could and mixed peroxide and water 50/50 then i took a paper towel ane dipped it in the solution and rubbed it on the affected areas also didnt water for a couple of days.

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Really interesting video.
Definately learned something!

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Would you suggest spraying the areas liberally or spot treat a PM area?
I cut about 70 spots(Leaves/sugar leaves) this morning.
Besides yesterday, etc.

Yes. You aren’t going to hurt the plant with peroxide unless you just go insanely crazy with it.

I would do it daily until the mold is gone and then every few days going forward. You may have problems again if humidity can’t be kept low and airflow can’t be managed.

Is this an outdoor grow?

Most likely not necessary. Peroxide will take care of it. Can you post pics?

Ill post a picture tomorrow but, i will treat this evening.
Its a outdoor grow.
I have a plant Mango strain growing beside her with almost no issues.
Thank everyone your your comments/help!

You may want to spray the other plant occasionally as a prophylaxis measure to prevent it from happening there.

Just like people, some plants are more resilient than others.

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That’s going to be a lot of spraying. I would get a gallon pump sprayer to make it go more quickly. I don’t know if you can buy bulk peroxide. You might be able to buy it by the case at one of those stores like Costco.

Use it as you mix it. Peroxide breaks down quickly when exposed to light. It is why the bottles you buy at the drug store are brown - so light can’t get through.

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Good video!

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:flushed: holy shit! Tall ladies i second the pump sprayer.

I definately need more peroxide

This is my other girl.

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Im glad i topped her.

Damnn. I did an experiment and topped one and not the other. Chemdog og so far hard to keep healthy. I think my other is pancake but could be a bag seed i mixed up lol