Pot Sizes - 2 plants in a 2x4

Hi all,

I have two photoperiod blue dreams currently in 3gal pots. I had 3 but one didn’t make it out of the seedling stage and I should’ve dropped another but didn’t… I’ll veg longer. The idea is to fill up the tent and I am planning to Scrog. This is my first indoor grow. I’m really not sure how much longer I’ll need to veg before flip. I just moved them into this tent and suddenly they look small - thought I was close to flipping.

Should I transplant to a 5 or 7gal?

Many thanks in advance.

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More volume is always better to a point.

I would pot up to 7gal. 3 going to 5 is almost not worth it. I try to double volume when going up.

My .02

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How tall is your tent? How much “headroom” do you have for the plants to grow tall? Keep those things in mind when you choose container size…bigger containers means bigger plants. That’s usually a good thing, but they will definitely get taller in a 7 gallon vs. a 3 or 5 gallon.


Wouldn’t I hit the width limit first? At least I hope I would… idea is to veg until I can fill the canopy.

It’s 6 feet tall. and I was planning on elevating them a little so I can get a bin under there to catch water. light should stay 12" above the canopy during flower. so that leaves 4 feet in height.

yeah, i bought 7 gal pots. I’m just reeeally starting to hate feeding. this will probably be my first and last bottled nutes run. i’m also going to go broke.

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Height will be managed by when you flip and how/if you train


I feel like there’s plenty of room. Don’t think they have to get that tall. I’ve been doing LST (although I am lacking method and the plants are a little crazy and lopsided). Any advice as to when to put up the netting in the process?

Has anyone mentioned anything about the stretch that occurs when the switch occurs? I was told to be careful or they could quickly start to outgrow the vertical space. Here’s a pic after a week into flowering stage. The room is 4 by 8. A small bathroom basically… hope this helped.


Why not 5 gals? I find them to be the perfect size for my small closet grow. 7 gals becomes pretty heavy doesn’t it?


LOVELY! No training on them?

I am hoping they don’t get much taller. i’m just going to start moving branches horizontally and the plan was until they’re just a few inches from the edges and then flip. and then I believe buds should get around 8" -12" above from there? ish? I know every plant is going to be different.

you have quite a few more plants than I do so smaller pot size is ok. but still, 5gal may be ok. 7gal will get heavy but after scrogging, they won’t be moving anymore anyway.

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Good point. I guess the plant can grow 2x it’s height during flowering?

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again, i think it can grow two times it’s size, but don’t think that needs to mean height. but… this is my first grow :slight_smile: and it was totally unplanned so i’m totally flying by the seat of my pants and watching too many youtube videos.

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It depends on the training you do. They’ll point for the light and head that way, left alone.

@AAA had it covered, I see now.

@growmeister height/stretch has a lot to do with genetics, but lighting color, intensity, and distance will affect it, too. Some of mine have really made me take a step back, surprised at how quickly they stretch.

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Blue dream is also a sativa. Not sure that’s been mentioned might have missed it. But it will grow taller for that reason as well. Especially since it’s a photo. Definitely want to do some training to keep it low. Blue dream is one of my favorite sativas though. Good luck. I’ll be watching!


I am taking the opportunity after some room upgrades to measure and take some individual photos of the plants for posterity.

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I have kept my lights about a foot away from the tops for their lives… keeping them bushier (I think). When I switched to flower, I raised them to 2 feet because of the added intensity. These plants react quickly to changes in their environment. Wild to watch!

Each light manufacturer also has is it’s suggested hang heights. There is way more science behind light than I want to consume just yet but have been trying to read the bare minimum to just get me started. Mine has a dimmer on it, too, so now that they’ve acclimated to the new tent and light I’ve been slowly upping the intensity- although I think to save energy I’m going to start moving them closer. Going to hopefully them lifted off the ground today or tomorrow.

I’m going to start a grow journal for these, too. the longer I wait the more there is to catch up on, but i’ll welcome as much feedback along the way as I can get.

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thanks! I’ve been doing quite a bit of training, though admittedly very haphazard. I’ll get the grow journal up soon. would love to have you follow along.

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I definitely will