Possible Phosphorus Deficiency?

Some Basic Info

  1. First time grower
  2. Happy Frog Soil with 15% coco added.
  3. Auto OG Kush
  4. 16 days since sprout


I am keeping a pretty close eye on my lady and I’ve noticed that although the leaves look nice (to a novice anyway) some of the petioles are purple or purple/brown. Also, the plant isn’t terribly tall either, but as a first time grower I do not know how tall it’s suppose to be at 16 days. I’ve attached a couple photos.

I have yet to feed my plant and have only watered with distilled water.

I’d love some insight into this possible issue. I have read that phosphorus deficiency can sometimes show up as purple stems. Perhaps I’m a helicopter parent, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.

To give some scale to the attached pictures, I’m using a 5 gallon pot, and the plant is about 4" tall, 5" at most. The pics were taken with only daylight LED’s turned on and a single 8w burple grow light. My main LED was off.

Thanks in advance for any info you can provide.

The purple stems are sometimes in the genes. Never used foxfarms products but I believe that they provide enough nutrients for the first month of their life. Plant looks good by the way

@Fool1977 she’s showing no deficiency. The stems are sometimes that color. I have several that this way.
Everything looks great!


Pretty sure the purpling on the petioles is a sign of a maturing leaf. Your plant looks great man. Wouldn’t change a thing. I might try to keep an eye on your runoff ph just in case though. Do you have a ph/ppm meter?

It looks like your plants are growing well. Later when you get into heavy feeding with your nutes you may consider adding some cal/mg. Most nutes are formulated with CalMg though.

Thanks for the quick replies! I’ll keep my eye on things, but judging from the comments things are going pretty well.

She is beautiful! IMO

Defs are usually on the leaf itself. They look great. My NL and JH have purple stems

No problems with the plant mate, looking nice :+1:

Thanks for the nice words! Let’s hope it looks good all the way through.

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Well if you have any problems you know where to come.

I think it looks perfect :sunglasses: :facepunch:t2: