Poly's little grows

@anon72256435 so what’s the final prognosis? Kickin me to the curb lol? Get a handle on my eccentricness?

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Same here in Colorado no less lmao then I moved and it became legal story of my life lol… you guys are cracking me up over here thanks… @anon72256435 some interesting things you got here awesome work… definitely keeps me entertained!!


@anon72256435 hi poly :blush: its me, Brian, BrainSacco again. I ordered 2 Diablo 200’s. I have 2 hlg 100’s now, would all 4 of them be too much? I was told your the light lady lol. Any advice or no advice lol. Will be greatly appreciated :pray: :sun_with_face: :potted_plant: :heart: here’s a pic. Of my auto (GDP) that i decided to train. I have 3 Blueberry Muffin Monster’s “photo’s that I’m training as well. But they are not like this one yet! O yeah, I have a 3x3x6 tent. I have the lights at 13”

Thanks & happy growing :heart:

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@anon72256435 my yard was an ugly hill. I created those tiers with a pic and a shovel. Then I wheelbarrowed every stone, block, gravel & dirt back there by hand. Took me all summer. Gave me room to have that gazebo. And all my plants.

Not a lick of grass being grown anywhere back there except for canna grass lol and these silly conversation pieces I’m playing with….

I’m growing fescue in these 2 boxes on my pavilion for laughs. When it’s mature I joked I was gonna paint little football fields on them and get me a mini Tom Brady and stick’em in there lol.
Strange thing about it is that I had a dream and envisioned that entire thing. I woke up and went outback and began bringing that vision to life.


@anon72256435 i told you I was a bit eccentric…:wink:

Looks good at night in a storm.


Go Tom Brady! Nice vision you have :blush:

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Greatest Of All Time :facepunch:

….Did someone say :goat:

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Yep yep GOAT
Haters gonna hate, but it is what it is :raised_hands:

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Your work here is beautiful!! Started with this wonderful post then y’all went sideways real quick! :rofl::joy: I kid I kid he is good I’ll give him that

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Wow what a full post you got everything in there!! Even a song to boot!! Nice job!! One day I’ll wrap my head around half as much as you… I’ll be tickled pink :rofl::joy:

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Nice! Very well rounded lol good job :clap: :+1:

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@anon72256435 that Thug Rose pinwheel is gonna be a thing of beauty when it grows out!! Whoa!

I’d love to get my singe on with you lol Whiskey Zulu Foxtrot Over!! (That tent profile pic is a chunky lady!)

What’s the Teachers Tub? You growing shrooms?
What’s pinning?

Excellent update!!

P.S. So I’m intrigued with your screen name and avatar… do they go together in a significant way? You seem like someone who’d have a thinkers thought behind them lol. If that’s too publicly invasive pretend I never asked lol. :wink::+1:t2::sunglasses:

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Well you are clearly a stand alone intellect with a dang interesting perspective. And like I said your a thinker. I need to learn about the shroom grows. @Caligurl is pretty knowledgeable and @nmgeo as well. We’ve had some conversations along the lines of my interest in these and you have significantly furthered my desire to grow my own. If you’ll continue the lessons I’m all ears….technically eyes in this respect lol. :+1:t2:

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Nice! Now you’ve got me wanting to try shiitake!

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Yeah, me too!
My favorite mushroom flavor

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@anon72256435 well done. They look incredible. So what do they call the edible updates after consumption? We’ll need that ‘smoke report’ lol.


4 week old sour lemon first time grower any tips and how do they look?


@Jeffroj0219 she looks really good. Your doing a great job with her. :+1:t2::sunglasses::green_heart: