Pointers on defoliating only 12-13 days in veg?

First grow doing hydro photoperiod in RDWC. Looking for suggestions on how best to defoliate and get more light to the new growth underneath? I am thinking the giant fan leaves first and LST the new horizontal growth. These plants are so thick.


How many nodes do you have? Id top and let her split. Then LST the two that split. Also looks like you might have some heat issues maybe


What’s your lighting setting and height? Post some overall plant pics Grow Bro :love_you_gesture:


Sorry about that will add more photos to the initial post. One of the 4 is only on day 4 of veg since I had 2 seeds not pop and decided to start another later.

Running the Scorpion Diablo in GG4x4. Lights are set to 30% power and prob a good 2 ft above the highest part of the canopy. Nutes are currently at 1.8 EC and 5.9 pH

During the 18 hours of light the tent gets to around 78-80 and the water temp gets up to 77-78. During POD /period of darkness it drops to 72 air and 74 on the water.

Also have a filtered blower pushing fresh air (for CO2) into the grow space at about 80% of what is being sucked out for the negative pressure aspect.

I do see the water temps possibly starting a problem soon.


The two bigger ones have 4 nodes at the top from FIM 2 days ago. The shorter one with the droopier leaves and curling undergrowth has 2 nodes at the top.

I am suspecting the clawing of the lower leaves is a nute issue.

Looking a little closer at the newest growth at the top the leaves look like they are starting to show a Mg deficiency.

I had just changed the nutes yesterday, but the super dense growth with the curling/clawing lower leaves has been going on for 3-4 days.

Healthy big girls Grow Bro! What’s the RH? Temps look good, PH and EC on point. I would look into the smart phone app called PHOTONE for setting your lighting DLI/PPFD. Assuming these are photo period plants? I would remove all the growth that’s around 3” above the hydroton…2nd node and below :love_you_gesture:


RH is hanging around 65-67%. I live in a tropical climate, so keeping the RH down is a year-round battle.

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What @OGIncognito said @DirtyDanMtnMan…get the lower stuff and let the rest go for a while before you do any other trimming. They are nice and healthy.


From the tent-cam after cleaning up the lower stuff earlier and a little LST on the medium size girl!

I think I need to find names for the girls.


Looking yummy!

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If you dont have a Ph meter
…GET ONE! Dont put anything in your girls that isnt Ph ed. This is critical imho!


I have developed OCD on checking the pH, temps, etc. non-stop. I am running the bluelab guardian with the probe in the reservoir. Not using the shit bluelab $200 connect stick though, just went with the camera facing the display for $30 lol.

My water temps in the system are higher than optimal so I ordered a water chiller to fix that issue.

I am immuno-compromised so my house water goes through some insane filtration/UV light type of deal, so the water is stripped of about everything which is good and bad since the good stuff gets stripped out as well.

On another note the MJ has been wonderful for my chronic health issues, my prescription meds were running close to $12k a month, I can smoke a lot of ganja for that damn price. Plus this community is full of great people!


What size chiller are you going with

I ordered the 1/10 HP one as I think it will do the trick, I have the 13-gallon buckets and the area with the grow tent stays around 72.

I tried the 1/10 hp on my 25gal reservoir and I couldn’t get it to chill below 75 degrees. They sent me another and it wouldn’t do it either. It only drew 70watts and that’s nowhere near enough to chill more than a few gallons. I have the 1/4hp and it draws 400 watts when it’s running and it will chill to the 50 degree range. I hope you have better luck than I did with 1/10hp.

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That is good to know grow-migo . I will have to cancel the 1/10 and go for the 1/4 hp. Thank you for the info; that is a huge help.

How much space does your 1/4 hp take up?

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Both the 1/10hp and 1/4hp are the same size

They even look the same if you’re buying Active Aqua like mine


I too have a 4x13 DWC. Definitely get the 1/4h chiller!!

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