Please Slow my Roll

HELP!! So I’ve got maybe guessing 2-3 weeks to harvest my 4x4 tent (6 weeks since switched to 12/12) and I’ve got all 5 of my clones taking off in a 2x2 tent for 6 weeks now. Is there a way to temporarily SLOW the growth of the clones in a healthy way??
Any advice mucho appreciated :v:
First timer, 36 year admirer!

Strain- Purple Kush from ILGM

Method- Foxfarm soil- ocean forest I think. Super cali soil in bottom half of #2 only.

Vessel- #1 5gal. bucket, #2,3 fabric pot

Ph- tap water 6.8

Ppm- unknown

Indoor tent w/ 1 Mars-hydro tsw2000 led, small fan, small oscillating space heater, carbon filter (only used to reduce humidity so far) and 2 vent openings to let air in/out.

Temperature- day 79F, night 69F

Humidity- day 50-75, night 75

Co2- No


If all your buds look like the close-ups, you have more like 4 or 5 weeks. As far as clones go, sorry, I’m useless, haven’t cloned yet.


Lower light intensity and less watering, let them dry out more, untill they droop a little then water.
I currently have the same issue :confused:.
I got 9 clones and a huge mother in a 2x4 waiting for space to flower.
6 clones in hydroponics and 3 in soil.

It’s definitely not to easy to grow them slowly when we are use to trying to grow them fast as possible :rofl:

Can’t even see the ones in hydro and the mother is stuffed in :man_facepalming:


Cooler temps will slow those clones. When you go back to 80 they will explode again. 70 or so will show a noticable slow down with a drop in light intensity. Have had to do that before. Just what i have seen. Had 4 tents going at 1 time so a lot of juggling with several growth stages.


Maybe some supercropping? It’ll slow them down a little bit. Top em a few time? High light intensity will also keep them from stretching and make more compact nodes.


Pull them out of the pot, slice off the bottom 1/4 of the dirt (this should take a good bit of root ball with it) and replace with more fresh soil. Keeps her nutrients loaded but slows the rate. You can also give haircuts as needed, cutting back to the last 2-3 nodes. That will keep them small. @Newt kept some compact clone mommas for some time just with regular maintenance.

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One of these was a year old on 7/17. Regular trimming, like a bonsai is the key. After a year, I did do a root trim, but found that I could have gone longer.


Oh so that’s how you keep them low n slow, I wondered what the procedure was to keep them that way. :pray:
I still have a lot to learn

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