Those 2 little black dots are the only thing you’ve seen?
Because if your talking about those dot I dunno if those are spidermites not to clear… but reason I said this is cuz you said you got a 2 spotted spider thing… that dosent sound good
No I used my 100x magnifier I looked at some of the back of the leaves I can see the little clear around eggs and those walking around just noticed them last night and I keep a pretty good eye on my plants it look like there was maybe some white dust on the leaves I don’t know look like it might’ve come in from the air intake or something just some dust so I look closer and saw those little buggers so I think they’re pretty early on But like I said today I looked and I saw the two spotted one and then one that is just all brown I got some Captain Jack’s I’m gonna go spray right now @fano_man
Tough to say without a picture but if they are mites and you dont hit em hard and they survive you will have a way bigger problem with resistant mites so there only bug I know that kicks back if you dont kick hard enough… so make sure your fighting the right bugs with the right ammo… I had the worst case if spidermites it was horrible… I hit them with 8 different products… and alternated them …daily… and failed miserabley… I cropped out about 35 plants during this 8 month period and every plant was strait dissapointment
You should be able to see them with the naked eye… but a zoomed pic on a phone camera will capture them clear enough as well
I alternate between Safer Caterpillar Killer and Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew with a dose of dilute peroxide:
First; spray down thoroughly with peroxide/water mix. Start at 2 or 3 tablespoons per quart of distilled water. Soak plants thoroughly. Do this before lights out. Wait 24 hours and apply either product listed above and wait 5 days. Then repeat with peroxide and use the other product.
Do you have access to dry ice? I would bet you could use a large garbage bag, place plant in it, dump some crushed dry ice in and seal the mouth almost completely. Leave overnight. The CO2 won’t harm plant but should suffocate all living bugs.
Ok guys I hosed them down real good peroxide and water with a couple drops of Dawn dish soap wish me luck
@Myfriendis410 @fano_man @Grandaddy013Hey all! I was OP on this so wanted to jump back in and report that alternating applications of ACV and Capt Jacks has almost totally eliminated my nasty aphids infestation! A big THANKS to all that helped!
Great! Glad your almost in the clear
@fano_man yes, I’ve been alternating between having too much humidity in my grow room with the door closed, and having my house and everything in it including my clothes smell like the sticky icky.
I haven’t disrupted the buds or sprayed anything on them. I had a dehumidifier in the room set at 40%, but my hygrometers say the humidity is getting into the high 50’s without it kicking on, so I removed it when I started tripping my breakers.
Obviously I need to re-address my humidity issues - I just didn’t know if something called a fungus gnat was spreading my bud fungus or if it’s juts regular old mold.
Does covering the surface of my dirt help with soil humidity?
That’s a good question… I’m not sure if that’s a thing … @Myfriendis410 what do you think about above question…
Also make sure you have good constant air flow… not just a duct fan like a a 10 inch oscillating fan is ideal… you dont want stagnant pockets of air botritus is inevitable
I took some pics of what I think are some eggs through my 100x scope this is after soaking them I didn’t find anything alive so far it’s like a whole differnt world down there
Some kind of egg cant tell what aphid eggs look like the spidermite eggs look like that thrip eggs look like that… kill it
And for the bod rot… It spreads plant to plant like wild fire …I wouldn’t smoke any of that that’s got bud rot it’s very bad for yoy
So I I checked on him when the lights came onI inspected them and didn’t really see anything moving I took a couple leaves off and got my hundred power I found a couple nights but they weren’t moving very much for removing real real real slow but look at all the eggs some of that we have to hit it with Captain Jack sparrow
I’ve never had mites and don’t know anything about them.
Be thankful @Grandaddy013 alot of ppl swear by might wash… I used a gallon and they laughed at me…id isopropy… I did sns203…I did prevacyn(garlic oil capsaicin. 70% ) you have to evacuate the house using Prevacyn strait paper sprays the entire house…did pyrethrin bombs in veg and flower rooms simultaneously twice… I did acid rain base rain…peroxide insecticidal soap…vinegar.backeing soda…(didn’t trypredatory mites ladybugs or manti because my infestation was so bad when I found out about I would have had my predators eaten lol… I was so determined to whoop these bugs . And they strait dominated me like the like David and goliath… and the bugs were David because I was strait mashed em inwas definitely killing thousands if not millions but there were 10s of millions so …no good the little basdards prevailed
I don’t think all of those are eggs… leaves have what are called stomata… is that what those are @Myfriendis410
That’s y I say I will never waste time or money on em again …86 everything clean cool down period clean again and restart is my only logical solution… because I was not able to kill them and they weren’t so bad when I found about them so I though I could get the upper hand and they just pushed through everythi bgg and became highly residtsnt
I’d hit them really hard asap… never used neem because I was in constant flower so it wasn’t an option for me but that might be really effective I just dont know