PLEASE HELP. Fighting pythium for over a year

I have been growing for a few years, exclusively with ILGM seeds. About 16 months ago I began growing hydroponically. It was a smashing success right up until week 5 of flowering. Within about a day and a half, the plant just straight died. Suffocated by the pythium that had coated the roots completely. I less than a week, the remaining 3 which were dirt grows in flowering died, as well as the four I had in a separate veg booth (1 hydro / 3 dirt). All from extremely aggressive pythium. I mean, within hours of the first sign the plants began drooping. My whole operation failed for the first time. Since then I haven’t had a single plant make it to successful harvest. I completely sterilized all my gear. Bought new stuff when necessary/possible. Started over. Every single plant now begins to show the telltale amber roots of pythium infection within a month from seed. I monitor conditions like an autist. Temps have NEVER gone outside the nominal range for neither: the booth ambient temp, the surface temp of the plant, nor the reservoir temp. I’ve even tried using different nutes, EVEN JUST STRAIGHT WATER. ( I only use RO water). The reservoirs are all completely UV proofed.

I’m pulling my hair out over this. I’ve spent over a year trying to get this sorted. I’ve lost dozens of plants.

This has driven me to a place of throwing my hands up and just giving up.

Does anyone have any ideas? I’m open to everything at this point.


What temp do you maintain your reservoir at?


@NatgaNatalia this and are you adding a root innoculant like Hydroguard or Southern Ag :love_you_gesture:

Between 61F-65F

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Yes. 2mL of hydroguard per gallon of RO water

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Those temps definitely shouldn’t cause pythium and using Hydroguard to help. All the hydro variables seem to be in check. Can you post some pics of the set up and roots? :love_you_gesture:

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I’m with @OGIncognito. Everything seems in line. Can you please fill out a support ticket and post some pics?


A support ticket will help us help you. Can you please fill out a support ticket? Please include what type of water you are using (RO, distilled, tap.)

COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.

Answer these simple questions the best you can.

If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so; Or post

NA (non-applicable)

• What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed

• Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF

Soil brand and type

• Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths

• PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)

• PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable

• Indoor or Outdoor

• Light system

• Temps; Day, Night

• Humidity; Day, Night

• Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size

• AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,

• Co2; Yes, No

If growing Hydro some additional questions:

-DWC? RDWC? Autopots? Ebb and Flow? Other?
-Distance of liquid below net pot (DWC)
-Temperature of reservoir
-TDS of nutrient solution
-Amount of air to solution

Always try to upload a clear picture of any issues you may have to allow the community to assist you. Pictures taken under natural or white lighting are by far the best.

Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer should be included. Feel free to elaborate, but short and to the point questions and facts will help us help you in a more efficient manner.

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Will do. Give me a bit to get all the requested info sorted and posted.

I’m extremely grateful for the help.


Been a hydro grower myself everything so far seems in check curious to see what it could be

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Have you tried running H2O2 in your reservoir?
I run autopots and “SIPs” with coco-coir, perlite and expanded clay pebbles, less coco-coir then perlite and expanded clay, it’s probably 70% drainage materials and 30% coco-coir.
But back to the point :sweat_smile:

When I first switched to these forms of hydroponics I ran hydrogaurd to keep things clean.
Well, it didn’t work so good, my reservoir stank alot of times, things would get slimy. Reservoir, lines, roots…
After lots of reading, I dropped the hydrogaurd microbes and replaced it with h202 and no more slime or stink anywhere :grin:

I’ve been running this sterile system for many cycles now and want go back to paying for expenses microbes when h202 is cheap and for my all salts setup, I don’t need microbes for any kinda of nutrient uptake, only to keep things clean and moving. And the h202 does a great job.
It even helps oxygenate my solution as h2o2 breaks down into pure oxygen and pure water…

These are what I’ve got running now with h202 and no microbes.


What % and what ratio please kind sir :metal:


Well that’s a question I can’t give a solid exact answer to :sweat_smile:
Its a very valid question and many answers online, but 3ml-10ml pre gallon usually of (3%, brown bottle) is typically what i use closer to 10ml most often but it is safe and studies by DeBacco University on YouTube shows a consecration of 1% h2o2 had the best germination and tap root development. So in theory alot more could be used long as it does tip the 1% h2o2.
I have a time or two added as much as 50ml per gallon when I had some green algae on the outside of some grow bags and I didn’t hurt them any.

I had to kinda search online as the all mighty algorithm doesn’t seem to display much about it unless you specifically ask, but there’s lots of better information online then I can convey …


How strong are your air pumps. That can play a giant role.


My results from Google srearch " Benefits of hydrogen peroxide in hydroponic reservoir"


Im with @1HappyPappy if all.else.fails lose the bios in youre feeding routine and go sterile with h2o2. I ran with it my first few grows and its a miracle worker for growing

1tsp 3% h2o2 per gallon of fresh water when mixing your rez.


What brand and h202% do you guys use? I grow in dwc 5 gallon buckets and use hydrogaurd. Thinking about trying h202 if it’s cheaper and better. I run silica blast, 3 part gh micro grow and bloom I also run floricious plus an kool bloom along with cal mag of course


I use whatever brand is available at whatever store I’m at, I never even look at the brand name myself, but its always 3%, I’ve never seen any stronger sold in local stores.
Sometimes I can find 32oz bottles for $1 if on-sale, but it’s never a full $2, somewhere in between $1-2 a quart in my area.
Probably get it even cheaper online in bulk.
Food grade types can be more expensive and there is different concentrations so that will effect price.
But the cheap stuff in your local pharmacy section works just fine. If it good enough to pour on wounds it’s good enough for the plants. Some people like to use only food grade :man_shrugging:

I use it to clean stuff sometimes as well and a sprayer screws right on :grin:


I have it on hand at all times. I use it to soak equipment like airstones, air and water lines, tubs etc.

As an additive for hydroponics it helps the absorbtion of nutrients by acting as a catalyst as well as increasing the amount of oxygen thats available because it drops the extra oxygen molecule and turns the water into h3o.

It works excellent for for treating most issues youll come across growing in hydro.


Honestly idk why it’s not talking about more often :sweat_smile: it really is amazing stuff that’s cheap and readily available to near every one.
Some people even sorta politely and sometimes not so politely, argue and think I’m crazy when i say I traded microbes for hydrogen proxide :rofl:

But I swear I think it’s been the best thing I’ve done :grin:


Its how i started out in hydro and moved into microbes. And tbh i think im going back. I have my reservoirs dialed in great anymore but the cost doesnt match the balancing act or results