Plants suited for desert environment

First, thank you to everyone who has given me advice previously.

I’ve had a radical change of address, am now in a high desert, Yucca Valley, California.

My DWC indoor equipment is lost in storage so I want to try my first outdoor grow in FF soil / General Hydro nutrients.

Can anyone recommend a plant type(s) and source for seeds that would do well, or at least do better, in a desert environment with hot days, cold nights, and low humidity?

My preference would be sativa-leaning autoflowers, but I’m willing to try whatever works best for my present situation.

Thanks again in advance.


@Mohavedrtfrmr any thoughts you could share from a hostile environment?


Well my friend sorry I would say I live in the Great basin high desert and my daughter tried autos with little success as they go into flower with any stresser. And indica dominant strains are best in desert conditions, they are desert breeds. I would also start seedlings indoors for the first 2 weeks or so under a at least 100w led to prepare them for outdoor, too many critters in the desert night that will munch on any small juicy seedling :victory_hand: So I say photos and indica dominant strain, good luck my friend @LeeVanCleef


You can grow anything in the desert. If you don’t have ambient light at night (streetlights) would suggest photoperiod. I would also suggest movable pots to bring inside in the event of crappy weather or crappy neighbors. I would also suggest that you get some plant fabric screen bags and use them: harder to see inside them and they will prevent loupers and hoppers from laying eggs on your plants. You will learn to hate them:


I live outside barstow not too far from you. Ive found indicas fair way better in this enviroment. I do seeds and clones. They do really well.


Ty growmie


Yes, a lot of jackrabbits and squirrels are out here.


Thanks to you all for the info.

Considering your input, I’m going to try several of both types from seed in 5 gallon fabric pots so I can bring them in out of any extreme climate situations. A lot of wind here.

Think I’ll avoid auto flowers for the moment.

And I have a high deck, which will help to keep the jackrabbit and squirrels away. I was not aware of fabric bags you could put over the plants, so I will look into those.

Regarding the bugs, does peroxide/water solution work to kill them off?

Thanks again to you all.


Hey brother I use this when necessary :victory_hand:

I hope you keep us updated when you get going, would love to see how you are doing my friend :blush: I will be following this thread so holler anytime, have a great day :+1: @LeeVanCleef


Dead bug does not always kill, its a farce.
Get some bt as worms are what will ultimately destroy your grow. You can deal with just about any pest except worms and cats. Trust me get some bt


Yep never had worms here in the desert :innocent: or a cat problem that I know of lol :laughing: good to know thanks @Stever


Yea they love the plants i plant in high rise planter boxes and cement tree rings stacked 4-6 high.

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I use this. Usable to harvest day. Works very well. Slays everything.

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Bt for worms and caterpillars either monterey or triazanine.
Defender 3 for other insects and mold/fungus works really well especially mites.
I tried sevin on aphids with some success. This season I will treat and do preventative sprays to avoid the pests in the first place.

But for me in CA central valley, caterpillars number 1 enemy

I think I will check with my buddy that has a nursery to see if he has further recommendations, I will post anything I find out


Thanks for this valuable information. My area is semi wilderness, so due to the coyotes, the only cats around here are indoor cats, many of them missing parts.

I’ve got my eye on the jackrabbits and squirrels. Since I have a raised deck, I figure the squirrels will be the ones to watch.

I’ll post some photos when I get something going.


Reminds me of a guy from an old clint movie good bad and ugly


Survivor kitty right there!
What a cutie! :grinning_cat:


I will claw your eyes out… with one paw.


Re the cat; he’s a tough SOB. Dang coyotes!


Will do. I think I’m going to try a little bit of everything.

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