Can you tell me if my buds will get bigger or what can I do. For them
after that whole soapy water ordeal they came back but not so good because the weather wasn’t hot enough I’m ready to bring it inside under the lights,
I was also thinking of splitting the stem at the bottom. any advice would be welcome
Thank you
Nutrient deficiencies
You just started and have 5 weeks to go before splitting any stems
Read up on what you are going through not what you aspire to do
Stuff like that.
Thank you
@MaineCoonMom yes your buds will get bigger
What are you feed I guess you girls and how much
You definitely look like there’s a deficiency happening
What is you ph also ?
I think @MaineCoonMom needs a little mentoring @Countryboyjvd1971
I’m trying @bob31 but he hasn’t answered me or us now yet buddy lol
Outta likes bob
Hi @bob31 & @countryboy
Yes I need to be schooled. Im a first time plant mom. I just started feeding it dr earth bud and bloom, and spring water…my next grow, I’ll purchase a decent ph kit, and a nice light set up…I won’t keep more than 3 plants
Ps. Go Pats
I’m from,the no shore
So @MaineCoonMom we are here for you when you need assistance I think @bob31 will agree with that lol
So do you own any type of ph testing equipment now liquid type or other ?
Cause ph is one of the biggest causes for nutrients lock out in MJ growing
Anyway just tag me with any questions MCM Iglm get back to you asap
Happy growing
@MaineCoonMom are you growing plants right now? If so you will want to get pH testers now. They won’t go very far on tap water if they are in pots.
If they are in the ground they will tolerate the pH a little better. Most municipal waters pH is over 7 and too high for MJ.
Though if you’re adding nutrients they sometimes lover the pH but usually lower than what is proper for soil.
Hope you’re having a great weekend!
Do you live in MA now?
Yes im growing one plant. Just ordered ph test kit. what regulates the ph if its off?
Yes I live in MA
Thank you
My plant was beautiful until someone in the forum told me I probably had spider mites because of a few ( and I mean a very few) tiny white spots. Advised me to use soapy water…Im still so angry ! Shitty shitty advise
Has to be very mild soap and only a few drops to a gallon of water. Sorry to hear that someone here steered you wrong. We try to head off bad advice when we catch it though i just had this discussion with someone a couple of weeks ago. Dawn soap is not mild nor is any of the grease cutters.
I’m in the Merrimack Valley @MaineCoonMom We have Maine Coon Cats here too and two labs!
Here is what we usually recommend something like this
ph meter
ph and tds meters
ph up & Down
7.0 calibration fluid
You will need an eye dropper, pH up and down and 7 calibration fluid. The calibration fluid is so you can verify the ph meter is 100%
Google hydro stores or grow stores near me and you can get the fluids there. If you have a grow store in mind then cool.
There are other more expensive meters online, but something like the yellow one are good starters
After we talk about pH; are you using any nutrients? maybe give us a support ticket so we can see where you are at?
COPY/PASTE: This “Support Ticket” into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA
Strain; Type, Bag seed, ILGM… name of strain:
How many plants:
Age from Sprout and Flower:
Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco / Brand and type of Soil & Size of Pots:
How often do you water and how do you determine when to do so?
PH of water and runoff or solution in reservoir:
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS:
Indoor or Outdoor:
Light system, size and height from plants:
Temps; Day, Night:
Humidity; Day, Night:
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size:
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier:
Co2; Yes, No:
Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but short, to the point questions and facts will help us help you
Strain; Type, Bag seed, ILGM… name of strain:
How many plants:1
Age from Sprout and Flower:
Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco / Brand and type of Soil & Size of Pots:18 in pot
Started with tap riot into low neut potting soil.
How often do you water and how do you determine when to do so? Every day when hot(85+) Every other day otherwise
PH of water and runoff or solution in reservoir: na
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS: was 464, just switch to dr earth bud and bloom
Indoor or Outdoor: outdoor
Light system, size and height from plants: 12/12
Temps; Day, Night: 70 day/ 50 nt
Humidity; Day, Night: now about 60%
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size:
AC, Humidifier, De-hu
What kind of plant is it?
How old is it? (I know the heading says starting to bloom…)
Is it a soft cloth pot or a hard sided 18 inch pot? Is that like a 5 gallon pot?
What are you using for lights?
Do you have their feeding chart?
BTW my fist grow was one AK47 Auto. I wish I would have grown two, but it turned out well. First grow you learn alot!
Right you got two bad pieces of advice
- Use concentrated soapy dish detergent and or undiluted hand soap and
- That you had spider mites
But if you looked up remedy for spider mites on the search you would find reverences to recipes that are not harmful to your plants
Its a Super Silver Haze in a 5 gallon hard sided pot. I put about 3 table spoons of the Dr Earths Bud and Bloom 3 days ago after the rain. I haven’t touched it since. I wont water again now for a few days, because it rained again (hard) yesterday. I also have a reflective blanket wrapped around it, to keep it warm. Ive been planning on bringing it in, however, the weather has been so nice during the day.
I had 3 plants started in March. Cat ate one, and the other was just barely sprouted from tap root, and couldn’t be saved. The plant I saved survived, it also had snapped under its own weight. I just kept propping dirt around it and tended to it multiple times a day. My girl is a fighter. Thank you for all your advise, I appreciate it
Those grow nice @MaineCoonMom do you or can you take a pic?
can anyone help out. I usually grow outdoors but have also raised indoors, Outdoors I plant 1st week spring and usually takes 6 months for my harvest. For the first time I am expecting seeds from Amsterdam and intend to feed with hydro chemical.
How would I make them flower sooner than the usual outdoor time (here it’s 16 - 20 weeks for flowers to start.
Indoors I would switch to 12 / 12 lighting but days shine for up to 15 hours a day here…
any ideas. Thought about a blacked out cover frame and manually cut to a 12/12 timinbut is there another wayg.
I would recommend you start your own topic and that would be a great discussion @milo1952
Hi @bob31
Let me know what you think. Being a rookie, they look ok. Dying to know if im going to get at least an ounce, hopefully.
Pot helps with husband’s chemo.
Thanks for all your advise