Plants started wilting out of no where

This is my first grow and I’m not quite sure what I’m doing wrong. I recently bought a King LED light and they really took off but now they’re wilting and looking very depressing.

I am no expert but it looks to me like a combination of over watering and too much nitrogen.

If you fill out a support ticket folks with more knowledge than I have will chime in and get you on track.

@Oldguy @OGIncognito @kaptain3d


Concur. Likely pH issues as well given the heavy nitrogen.

Welcome to the forum.


I beg your pardon, I neglected to welcome you to the community of growers that cares about every grower and grow.


Besides adjusting the water I’m giving, how do I adjust the nitrogen levels? This is a learning experience and I’m willing to take in all advice.

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Also I’m having trouble understanding the support ticket thing.

Monitor runoff PPM and adjust as necessary to maintain it at ~1,000. Apera and Bluelab make good meters. I use an Apera PC60 that measures both pH and PPM.


I agree those look overwatered. How well does your soil drain? Do you let it dry out in-between watering? If so how long does the soil take to dry out after you water? Are you feeding yet or just giving ph’d water? The more information you give us the more we can help.

My soil doesn’t drain properly so I have to wait up to almost week before I can water again. I’m also not using anything just yet because I got miracle grow soil. I’m aware after spending the last couple hours researching that I chose the wrong soil. I also used regular seeds I got from a local grower. He didn’t give me any advice just wished me well. I am starting to think I jumped the gun on this. Can I salvage what I have? I also built my own grow closet so I’m sure I fudged that up too. Ugh I feel stupid.

Don’t. We all made the same mistakes when we first started.


You should still finish the grow. I’ve had lots of good advice from the people on this forum. That being said i also learned alot from my own mistakes my first few grows. You learn what they like and what they dont on your own.


Do I change the soil or leave it alone?

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In MG you are likely to have serious pH problems at this point and I would transplant. They should be in bigger pots anyway. Fabric pots are great as they breathe and the roots need to breathe. Fox Farms soils, Black Magic, Roots Organics, and Coast of Maine are all good soils.

You will find this helpful as a new grower.


I really appreciate all the advice. Going to repot them soon and get some good soil. Going to shop online and see. Thank you!!

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IDK if anyone will see this but I was only able to save one plant. The mg and over watering really did a number on them and sadly I think they’re dying. I have one that seems to doing very well so we shall see.


That’s always a bummer but at least all is not lost and something was learned along the way. I grew my first crop in MG many moons ago not knowing, and the outcome was the same. Happens to the best of us but your next grow will be epic. :v:


Thank you! I was able to save one of the four and I have a sprout that just broke through the soil a few days ago. Gotta keep trying 🩵