Help , my WW Fem plants going outdoors in coastal tx are losing leaves….help
The plants are in 3rd week of flowering and I recently got a leaf miner issue addressed by spraying with: gal water w/ 1 tsp vegetable oil and 1 tsp dish soap.
Howdy Swag
They are in pots,yes?
Just my thoughts, pH looks off to me.
Cannabis in soil, water should be 6.5 ,with fluctuations either way between 6-7 .
I always check my pH when watering in pots.
I would get quality pH pen to test your pH when watering and feeding nutrients.
Even though youre outside, youre still in pots. How is your drainage? I would recommend doing a soil slurry test to get accurate numbers of your ph and ppm. Correct ph and ppm and you should be gold.
Hash , I do try to water each morning and then only when the girls are dry
I have only used local water……garden hose
I have some product coming in Saturday to lower pH
The nutes I have are stuff, a grow kit, I got thru ILGM. I see where the feed water also should be ~ 6.5 pH
Now of course the girls look like centerfolds today.
I would think this learning curve would give me gray hair but too late.
Appreciate you sharing knowledge
I did get acid solution and for last 3 days have fed and water the girls with pH of ~ 6.6 pH . Made gallon batches of feed water and also with nutes using the 6.6
I will get a few pics this week
The nutes I have are from ILGM , their flowertime stage 3 . All in in 3-4 weeks of making buds