Not sure what you mean by leech and pull when depleted?
They will fade as the nutes are “leeched” from them to feed the flowers. If slow or no nutrient uptake from the roots they utilize stored nutrients in leaves. Once lockout is fixed it will slow or stop till final weeks then begin again usually. You are far in. Only weeks left. There will be little noticable change other than the flowers themselves. Next run just make sure ph is stable all the way. Those flowers look like fire so you will be happy. Cannabis is tough tough.
Got it, thanks! It’s weird, my last batch did the same thing but after curing, smelled and tasted real good just didn’t get dense, can’t figure the dense thing out either
Strain/light/conditions. The rock hard stage is usually the final bulking. Solid lights and nute uptake determine growth. Cure style can also affect how they shrink and harden.
Just what I have found.
Ok thanks. I grow indica and I know most indica get dense buds so I must be doing something wrong. Back when I was young, we didn’t need all this stuff to get great plants, you could throw seeds in dirt and they would grow like crazy, I think all the new genetics has changed that
Still can. I do.
That high PH and low light is probably your issue with density. 100w light will get you through veg, but flower requires a lot of light to build density even if your nutes were on point.
I was thinking about going with 200 watt spider farmer, just worried about the electricity bill
I have a 2x5 space to grow in
The way I see it the extra light usually pays for itself in yield. For that size space you would probably want something more like a G4500 or SE4500 at minimum. If you wanted to go ham 2 300w 2’x2’ lights would be even better, but a little costly.
do you have some links so I can look? Thanks
Theses would be a decent start. The SE series uses more efficient diodes than the G series. You will get a little more light with the SE but they use the same amount of electricity as an equivalent G series light and the SE will run a little cooler.
2 of either of these would fill your space with monsters
Great, thanks! will any of these lights cover the entire 2x5 area I have?
I am using 2 lights now and would like to go with just one that will fully cover the 2x5 space with ease
the 4500 is probably as close as you will get to a single light but might not reach the corners of your space particularly well by itself. Usually lights come in 2x2 and 4x4. In the last couple years they have started releasing the 2x4 size, but the selection is still limited. If they are higher wattage they might be labeled as a 3x3 or 5x5 coverage area but the lights are physically the same size just higher wattage.
The G series is also Bluetooth compatible to my knowledge, and can be controlled with the SpiderFarmer app on your phone.
It also has settings to mimic sunrise and sunset.
I read that if you sprinkle some lime that it will help PH in your soil, anyone try this?
lime can be used to increase PH of acidic soil. It sounds like your problem is high PH in your water. Liming your soil would make things worse.
One of my plants soil read 5.5 the rest were 6 to 7. I was concerned about the 5.5 plant. Thanks for the info
If they are all the in same soil it’s unlikely that one just lost it’s buffer. Salt buildup can also affect PH and is much more common. Do you have an EC/TDS meter? I would test runoff PH and EC before taking drastic(and possibly harmful) steps like liming soil.