Plant Growth Regulators

has any one used any of these products ?
Soil Balance
Massive Bloom

any PGR’s in these ? believe in one of these there is “tiaronticanal” in it’s natural forum that really promotes aggressive growth - some with microbes

I used mammoth p. Got a free sample. Did it help, I guess. Didn’t really do a side by side to compare. I was also using a lot of other stuff with it. Did it hurt anything, no. Is it worth the price, I don’t think so tbh. I feel there are as effective and cheaper ways to add microbes to the soil.

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I got one also - running it now - at week 3 plant is seems bigger and better growth for that week ( seen many side-by-sides with Mammonth and soil balance and one with none — there was a difference. but PGR’s can be very , very unhealthy. Contacted company (mammonth) and they said that there are no PGR’s just microbes; haven’t heard from the other’s yet

I’m going to try alfalfa tea as soon as I get to the feed store.


You’re not scared of pgr’s huh?

Should I be??

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Some don’t seem to be a great idea for consumables. I’ve never seen anything suggesting triacontanol wasn’t asfr though. That’s what would be in alfalfa extract. Also one of the proprietary ingredients in super thrive.


I read that it is approved for consumables by the USDA upto harvest time. I don’t have the reference but it’s on the internet so it’s true :rofl::rofl:


You know the USDA has our best interests in mind too lol


Hehe. It sounded pretty convincing lol. I’m gonna try it on a couple plants and see what happens.

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You’ll be fine. There are others out there to be careful with though.

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I don’t know if you are growing in a soil medium, but don’t laugh at what I am going to type. Live Earthworms from the baitshop can give you a decent boost. They aerate the soil as they wiggle to eat the plants dead roots, and the worm’s castings are dropped along the way to the root ball. You don’t have to put many, so whatever is left over put back in fridge to save for future grows. Don’t forget to feed them though. A little cornbread, or similar type food category will work. I hope this helps, and it’s cool when you harvest it pulling your plant the worms will shake out wiggling HELLO!!!

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Yes ! just goggle it

need to brew it for 48 hrs. you are making “tiartinal” (will get sp) which is a natural growth stimmulator; yea this stuff works

Bet ya’ll didn’t know Amazon even sells worms!!! Who knew!! Thought it was a hoot and yup I’m gonna add some to my outdoor grow. Not to mention I should have plenty of fall fishing bait!!



@Verndoc, Thanks for letting me know about ordering them. It’s a pain in the A$$ driving to Bass pro shop’s that’s a long drive East towards the Beach. I like it at the end because I take the small worms placing them around my transplant, so they eat up the dead roots quickly getting fat as pigs when l pull the plant out to dry. Now, I will take your advice to fish with. I know a private community in Boca Raton that’s loaded with Bass. Any fake worm, rattle trap, ect. The 5lb+ big boys & girls will not strike. Place a live shiner, or a large worm then the fight is on. The rich people don’t fish, so even after a cold front one can count on a 20 bass day. Understandably. I am quite sure there is someone who thinks I am full of S#&T. I have many Social / Ethical shortcomings, but I am not a liar. Now my friend who comes over sometimes won’t complain when she’s cooking something, and sees the worm holder. Thanks again, you come up with some innovative ideas my friend

I use the mammoth p I did a side by side I didn’t get any bigger harvest off the mammoth p plant but the bud formation was nicer so I continue to use it

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I’m envious - our Bass are smaller and under a couple feet of ice right now… I will be after them once our water melts… I was looking on Amazon looking for worm castings and saw the add for worms… :flushed::flushed: Who knew??


Hello @Verndoc, I hope it warms up for you, and the Northern States. People may think the worm addition to a soil grow is miniscule; however, it definitely helps in many different facets. They aerate the soil as the move to eat dead roots, and their poop is amazing. They are continuous plows turning the soil leaving an excellent fertilizer behind. As you know they sell Worm Castings Soil premade at places lame like Wallmart. Farming background rotating peanut & soybean in Alabama. In the family garden I toiled as a kid as a chore while we would visit my maternal side of the family all Summer every year growing up. It’s Looking back that’s what made me who I am today, and wisdom older people like to hand down. I call them “BISCUITS OF WISDOM”. I have no Child that is in my life, so I caught myself doing the same thing. LOL My truest word of friend is Don. We were out shooting, and I gave the BISCUIT of WISDOM to his Son’s. Officially I am an old man. He started to shoot accidently close to the area I had previously told them not to shoot. He acted obtuse, so I told him long after you fire the round, clear chamber, and start turning around that bullet is in motion with no eye’s on it. I had to rat myself out in type; therefore, I can accept that I am a Dinosaur. Sorry I went off on tangent, but acceptance is important. You probably quit reading a while back. Take it easy, me amigo

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Hello @Gardenguy, I apologize for the inconvenience, but what is the mammoth p? I have never hear the term, so I am curious. Furthermore, whatever it is a tighter bud is a much nicer bud. Please let me know, so I can think about combining to my matter if possible. Thank you, Curious One

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