I’m thinking of getting mammoth p but I’m not too familiar with the product. Has anyone here tried it?
Yeah @Brian091180 check out his latest harvest with the mammoth p , I believe he was the first guy here most of us heard of the product and now everyone is adding it to they nutrient feedings , but it’s supposedly to be great stuff for your plant roots .
Ive used it on 3 complete grows and using it on my newest as well and then on out forever
Thanks for the input
Sweet I can’t wait to get it today
Ive always used it to start seeds all the way to two weeks before harvest
Check out the Trans-Siberian auto flower grow
Great stuff on third grow with it and i can say it really works getting big plants with big buds
did anyone else have a problem with slimy roots after using this stuff in hydro as soon as i quit using it no more white greasy slime
I run soil but maybe @ktreez420
Is using it by now he could offer up his two cents
Anyone using it in conjunction with Mykos?
Yes I put Mykos & Azos Xtreme in my soil and I used mammoth piss in every watering and feeding at .5 ml and from what I’m seeing in my grow its working but won’t know the full report until I see the bud development , but I’m just in week five of vegging , waiting for my girls to grow through the scrog screen before I switch . Just done some super cropping and a few leaf snips to transfer some upper energy growth , but getting there patiently .
@BondPacker hit the search button on here and type in mammoth p any input welcomed, scroll down and the link is on there
@BondPacker my plant is doing great!!! I’m a new grower. I started outside over the summer and screwed up a lot. I did not have a great harvest. I maybe got 2oz off 3 plants. I was only useing a organic bloom. Now with this plant useing mammoth P I do see a diffrence in my bud growth. She is in her 4th week of flower and I think the buds look bigger for only 4th week today!!! So I think it’s the Mommoth P😀<img like I said I’m very new at this.src=“//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/growingmarijuana/original/3X/c/d/cd5543bdedad3b9965fc2f4b81386414893a0011.jpeg” width=“375” height=“500”>
Nice!!! What are you using for lights? Looks awesome and perky
@Code420tv Well my light set up is not the greatest. I’m waiting for a Mars 300 watt coming soon. I’m useing 5 light’s all led. i have a grow light and a long shop led light and 3 100 W LED lights. Only one plant for now. I just cloned her and I have roots as of yesterday😀