Plants were doing really well and growing fast. Recovered well after 1 top each, so a few weeks later, 2 colas in full effect. It was res change time so I did that and then a day later I topped. Now I’m noticing some curling starting to happen around the edges of leaves and droopy stalks now.
Humidity 60 and temps at 75, probably not the issue. GH feed chart ppm 450, was doing fine with those numbers for the past 3 weeks.
Moved the light up a bit and turned it down 75 on my ePar to help it recover from light stress but I’m worried about the drooping because I think the res change, potential light stress and topping is hindering my veg progression. Did I do too much? Will my plants recover?
Toppeth no more young padewan. Lettem grow a bit. If photo keep nutrients/water temp/ph stabilized. Will recover. If auto hands off now. Let her veg out and hope she doesnt turn to flower. Friggin auto seem to be getting super picky.
Photos. Res and room conditions have no reason to change so I’m not worried about it, just concerned if I stressed them out too much to recover. I’m a new grower so I’m a nervous Nellie right now how long do you think before they’re strong and again?
Photo so just watch for anything super bad starting. They should recover easily if environment dialed in. Letem get a lot bigger. Then top side branches. Letem recover. Veg to size…consider a 50% stretch. Flip. Good call on photo. MUCH easier to fix.
U can top as much as you like. People do it different and that is that. In my experience the plant will double in height and even more if sativa dominant. I would plan on 100% stretch for just in case. Mine always doubled. Heres one topped immediately so as i said, more then one persons way.
I guess I’m confused by your response. My question was if what I’m experiencing with the stems drooping is normal and if my plants will be okay and recover.
Its not the topping that is a problem. Topping may cause a bit of stress, but it wont make a plant wilt or droop. What I see is a bit of heat or low humidity stress. This shows leaf curling on the edges and that is from leaves giving up more water that can be taken in by the roots.
Too much heat or light.
Too low humidity. 46% on the meter …that needs to be much higher.
Too much air from a fan will do it too.
@Spiney_norman you ever notice how alot of vpd charts are quite a bit different? I have…air temp vs leaf temp etc and the vaues changing regardless of type of reading. My personal way is 60 to 70 rh for veg, and less the 55 for flower. Simplistic. Alot of people will drive themselves crazy trying to maintain. Just avoid the budrot best u can and get close as you can and leave it be… first time i seen that one.
I follow this as well.
Just watch the plant for symptoms and adjust if needed.
I’m in the last few days before harvest and i have let the humidity drop. I have a bit of leaf curl, but the plant will try to protect itself and that means more resin. So I don’t worry at this point.