I dropped 6 seeds in water 22 days ago. 3 of them are showing pistils already. My concern is the plants are no more than 5-6 inches tall. Do they only double in size during flowering or could I expect more than that?
They could shoot up. I’m harvesting an auto in a couple days that started showing pistils at about 8-9" tall and 3½ weeks and it is almost 30" tall now.
Gelato in the front, Cheese in the back and Banana at the right. Yes I know it isn’t enough dirt. Yes the dirt is Miracle Gro bigger blooms. (Probably will require a miracle to get any decent yield from this setup.) I kind of got going before doing enough reading. I already have 3 gallon fabric pots and Fox Farm nutrients for the next grow.
welcome to the community. like @Borderryan22 stated they his shot up, so did mine, i didnt do any lst and i ran out of room in my tent, i couldnt raise the lights up more.
i did a 2 gallon pot and a 7 gallong pot, one is way bigger than the other but i wanted to try the a pot for pot 2 gallon
I grew mine in a 1 gallon fabric, in coco with Jack’s and fish sh!t. Started feeding twice a day about 4 weeks in flower. I’m so fxxxing ready to chop her. Sorry, I don’t normally bomb somebody else’s thread with my own stuff.
If they’re showing pistils now, they may surprise you and take off.
sorry to bomb too but @Borderryan22 get that pic for the BOM
Letting them get a little more bulk! Probably next week
I assume I have enough light since they they have stayed so compact. 2x 100w LED purple lights and 1x Mars hydro 100w TS-600 + 3x 40w LED shop lights. I’ve pretty much kept them 12 inches above the tops except for the first week where it was about 6 inches.
Should I bend the tops over with some string, even though the plants are only 5-6" tall?
Those are nice and healthy plants. Once they start flower they’ll stretch big time
But they won’t be that big based on what you planted them in
Are they autos?
Yes. 3 showing pistils. Not the two biggest and not the smallest.
Yep Miracle Grow is difficult to grow in. I know because I made that same decision my first grow. Had lots of problems after they started to flower.
im on my 2nd grow, my first grow(gg4 auto) showed pistils at 3 weeks and maybe 7 inches tall, had a lighting issue for a bit and they stretched to just a little over 6ft lol