Pests? What are these?

definitely gained a bit of wisdom for if this happens to me in the future

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Im back again.
Checking my Northern lights auto.
Seen these little guys. Are they spider mites?


Hard for me to tell from that pic
Does it look like a spider?
Check out arbico Organics they have pics of various bugs including spider mites and many ways to deal with them…


I was thinking the same thing. Weird thing is I dont see any webs. Is that an uncommon thing? Everything Ive read said there should be webs. Ive throughly inspected it with my microscope and cant find any.


I have a bug app on my phone, with a clearer picture it would tell us.


Webbing will be produced when mite populations grow in size and can be found on foliage, twigs and fruit/buds.


Ill see if I can get a better pic.

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@Bunger64 @Low @DoneDeal @Oldguy @Skydiver @Hershy420
Here’s a better pic. They seem to turn a dark color as the mature. No matter what i try its not working. Ive tried Captain Jacks dead bug. Now im spraying with a rubbing alcohol/ water. I just bought a bottle of Grower Alley gonna try that next. I think they came in with a used tent i bought. Damn.

If you look close you can see them on the sugar leaves that are left on this plant. Its in the home stretch and thats whats killing me.


She looks close to finishing.
You can also try a solution of Castile soap
I use Dr. Bronners soap (not detergent) as part of the mix if needed.

Using multiple products keep them guessing and help eradicate or at least keep the numbers down.
Old school soap not Dawn detergent has potassium salts of fatty acids in it and when it gets on the soft bodies it blows them up.
You’ll want to make sure you set up a washing station when you chop so you can wash away any residue from treatments.
Here is a link to some of what I used when I had spider mites. One thing that worked pretty good you can make yourself was ning acide I named after the person who suggested it to me.

Tons of stuff to reference here.

Also don’t forget to check out arbico Organics web site for pest controls.

Good luck with those little bastards.


This is what i could find.


That melon/cotton aphid looks like it for sure. Nice work @Bunger64.


Check here for ideas on controlling aphids

You can also call them and they will assist you in choosing the best option/s for your situation and environment


I have a Bug app a plant app a mushroom app all have been helpful and they are free to use. Bonus


Man, you guys are the best. That explains why i havent been seeing any webs.
Thanks again guys. Anyone ever battled these little things? Its like that multiply by the millions.


The aphids are my enemy struggle conquer then back. Mine are a different creature from yours I just searched on here and read about the different choices or direction, stay away from neem oil. Stays with the plant can effect the flower. Ive used a milk spray solution


I have outside in my veggie garden. Capt jacks dead bug worked wonders but did take several treatments because of how bad the infestation was. Just make sure to get every inch of ur plant and ESPECIALLY underneath the leafs. I also did a light spray on the top layer of soil


I will take my girls flip them over carefully and make sure their undercarriage is clean of the little bastards

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