Pests lantern flys

Got lantern flys on all 4 my plants , sprayed with neem oil , still there . Any ideas?

Welcome to the forum.

Capt Jacks Deadbug is effective.

Be sure to avoid spraying neem on a flowering plant.


No they are in veg stage, I only sprayed it once with neem oil, how often should I spray it ?

Capitan jacks works, also have used 7 spray, as well as 8 spray.

What was your dilution as far as neem? You will need to spray every 3 days to get everything under control. I would rotate Capt Jacks Dead Bug with the Neem while in veg tho.

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My fruit growing friends recommend a shop vac for lantern flies. They say they all flutter around during spray and it makes spraying hard to be precise and hit the lil fers. But the shop vac is perfect for them.

Glad we have not had those yet out west.