Paraphernalia, 35 years later

I had a buddy tell me that the term “spliff” means something a little different Amsterdam coffee shops. The weed was really good and regulars would roll joints with a little bit of tobacco with a filter to mellow the high.

***I just hit the googlizer up and it does mean this in Europe, but the term originated in Jamaica and it’s straight weed there.


1974 my sophomore year for me.

I smoked hand rolled cigarettes for decades and became adept at rolling. Much easier now using hemp papers instead of that fragile rice paper.


That’s the year I started, give or take a year or 2.

I remember the head shops. Albums, paraphernalia, incense,… Fun times.


What do you call a guy with 2 spliffs?

Double jointed.


Sure wished I had my blacklight posters collection from 70s


Smoked my first joynt on my 18th birthday and have never looked back. I remember buying a five finger bag of Mexican weed for fifteen bucks and then you had to smoke 5 joynts to get a buzz. Thank god for great genetics. And if you got caught with that in 1973 you would definitely go to jail. O my how the times they are a changing. Can anyone Suggest a strain of weed that can actually get me high I mean I get buzzed but I haven’t gotten high in years. Laughing my ass off


I believe the term originated in the Caribbean. The rastas call joints that and they are usually conical in shape

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Cool thanks for the input

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Do you make dabs with a nug smasher?

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I got one of these.

I like it just fine. However, I wish I had spent just a little bit more on one of these.

Paired with one of these.

The pressure gauge would help alot in insuring I am getting everything I want and none of the lipids and plant waxes that can come with over squeezing.
To fix that issue I may just do this.

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How much do those run?

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369.00 for the one I got.
469.00 (press) + 139.00 (pump) for the one I wish I had gotten. If you go to the dabpress website they sell refurbished ones for a bit cheaper.
I would have gone that route but Amazon has screwed me on every referb purchase I have ever made, so I dont do refurbished any longer, from anyone.

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Just found the website, they range from 170 for the smallest version, around 250-350 for a light duty, and 500+ for the best they offer


Jazz cigarettes…


My buddy gave me a classic volcano and I love that thing!

This is my 1975 Whamo freestyling Frisbee" better known as the Tray".


First smoke was 96. I was a freshman in Jr High. My older brother invited me to his friends hifi repair shop. While there I got so fkd up I couldnt think straight. I was sitting on the couch by this 4 foot long fake iguana when the bastard up and tail bitch slapped the side of my head so hard bout knocked me out, literally. First time smoking, first time having a lizard fk me up! :laughing:


@JaneQP @beardless @Spudgunner @Medicineman33 @Bunger64 @Docnraq

These raw cone papers with the hard tips are amazing. Used my new grinder and then tried two of them and loved them! So easy to pull in a puff!

So I just bought a pack of 100 on Amazon for $25.

Better than I can roll a joint for sure. Is this cheating??? :thinking:


Nope, its progress!


I started rolling around a pencil, then pack it! Until I learned. I use business cards as filters, can get 2 from a bottom cut and 7 or 8 along the edge. Push them in and then unroll with the scissors to get a tight open tube. When folks retire from work I used to grab the box of their cards, lifetime supply!
One of those would last me less than a month!

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